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174 | 01-02-2025 06:28 AM | |
689 | 08-14-2024 06:24 AM | |
1844 | 10-02-2023 06:26 AM | |
1550 | 07-28-2023 06:28 AM | |
10129 | 06-02-2023 06:06 AM |
06:52 AM
Which Service in particular are you trying to enable LDAP auth?
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06:28 AM
Hi @idofy CDP 7.1.9 CHF7 is the version prior to CDP 7.1.9 SP1. Given in compatibility matrix, CDP 7.1.9 SP1 and CDP 7.1.9 is mentioned, you can use the CDP 7.1.9 CHF7 or CDP 7.1.9 SP1. Would recommend using CDP 7.1.9 SP1 as it will come up with additional fixes.
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06:37 AM
Sorry I couldn't download the files. Its in "Virus scan in progress ..." stage and not allowing download. This download issue is being reported to community platform team. Meanwhile Can you paste the full stderr/stdout of hue? And the screenshots hue environment safety. valve.
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05:52 AM
I couldn't download the attachment. In which path, did you install python3.8? Can you run echo $PATH? Can you run a test script and share result. cat #!/usr/bin/env python3.8 import sys print("Python version") print(sys.version) ./
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08:37 AM
@sayebogbon Can you change #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 to #!/usr/bin/env python3.8 And start hue?
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08:44 AM
1 Kudo
Can you cat this file? cat /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.7-1.cdh7.1.7.p2046.46875634/lib/hue/build/env/bin/hue
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05:54 AM
@sayebogbon Can you configure hue env safety valve with the correct python path CM > Hue > Configurations > the Hue Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) field: Key: PATH Value: <python3.8 binary path> Save and Restart
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01:03 PM
1 Kudo
Can you clarify which version of CM and CDP you are using? And the full exception you notice in Cloudera Manager logs/UI? Are you able to access application log using command line? yarn logs -applicationId <appid>
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06:24 AM
1 Kudo
Tenants are users of the cluster. Lets say you have app teams/users named dev-a, dev-b, dev-c using the cluster, you will be estimating what resource each team will likely consume and create queue/pool to them with appropriate capacity. With regards to hierarchy, root would be the top most parent (represents the overall cluster resource) and you will create leaf queues/pool configured with the min/max resources you want to allocate for individual team. Applications gets assigned to the leaf queue and utilize the respective queue resource. With the utilization report you will have an idea of how much each team had used in its respective queue/pool. "There are no details about hierarchy of the utilization report" --> Are you referring to knowing utilisation at root plus all the leaf queues? in the picture shared in this doc you will see an example of overall cluster utilization and the breakup of utilization across individual queues.
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03:44 PM The docs has more information. Usually for a tenant, you will have a pool configured and submit applications on the pool and utilise resources (cpu/memory) from the pool. With utilisation report you can get a sense of how much you are utilising in the configured pool, cluster and can do capacity planning based on the trend of usage.
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