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Title | Views | Posted |
11300 | 03-14-2017 08:49 AM | |
3208 | 05-24-2016 05:39 PM | |
80100 | 05-11-2016 09:25 AM | |
2704 | 04-21-2016 09:43 AM | |
2563 | 04-18-2016 04:28 AM |
10:53 AM What am I responsible for during the exam? These are practical exams. During the exam you will be asked to evaluate a scenario and implement a solution. You are responsible for everything necessary to generate that solution, such as writing code, configuring tools, and debugging any issues. You may use any approach or tools on the cluster that will produce your solution. Only the results will be graded.
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10:42 AM
Kabali, All certification requests are processed by I can see that Dora in the support team has already written you today and forwarded your request to the technical team. All outstanding certificates are scheduled to be sent out in the next 24 hours.
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08:49 AM
Effective immediately, we are phasing out CCP Data Scientist. We will continue to work with those candidates who have passed one of the exams to allow them to complete their evaluation but will no longer accept new candidates. The data science field continues to see rapid change and growth. You’ll hear exciting product announcements from Cloudera in the weeks ahead with the intent to make data science workloads run more easily on Cloudera Enterprise, and to reach out to a broader data science community than the ones for whom this program was designed. We will continue to invest in substantial curriculum updates to reflect the changing product and market dynamics, and we’ll continually evaluate whether and when we should bring to market a redesigned certification at a future date.
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10:45 AM
CDH4 and CDH5 are Cloudera specific releases. They are not Cloudera specific tools. There will not be questions about Cloudera Manager. There will not be questions about Cloudera Director. There will not be questions about Cloudera Navigator. Each of these products begin with the name "Cloudera", and as such are Cloudera specific tools. There will be questions about daemons. This is a CDH5 exam. If asked what daemons need to be running, you must answer with the daemons that are needed in CDH5. If you chose the daemons that were present in CDH4, you will be marked as wrong (assuming that the daemons changed between versions).
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05:39 PM
Cloudera attempts to make these industry-wide certifications, not just on the CDH platform. There are no questions that are specific to Cloudera Manager or any other Cloudera specific tool. The CCA-500 is specific to the CDH5 release. It will not ask questions that are dependent on minor releases, ie there are no questions that will ask the differences that may occur between CDH5.6 upgraded to CDH5.7, but there may be questions that require you to know the differences between CDH4 and CDH5.
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07:33 AM
In the case of an external library, no. We are trying to give you flexibility to solve the problems in whatever way that you see fit, but since there may be dozens of ways to solve the problem, there is no way that we could provide a dozen different versions of the library. For example, if the objective we are trying to test is your ability to use a UDFs, then you will need to use a tool that supports UDFs, such as Hive or Impala.
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09:25 AM
4 Kudos
The CCA-175 exam is a hands-on, scenario-driven test. You will be asked to solve problems. The grading will be based on the solutions that you provide. We do not evaluate the tools or the code that you used to solve the problems. Can you use Pig? Absolutely. It may be possible to solve every one of the problems on the exam using just Pig if you are an expert. It may not be practical, however. There may be better tools for interacting with the Hive metastore to do DDL, such as Impala, Hive, HUE, HCatalog, etc. Similarly, the coding questions will give you Spark templates to add code to. You may not have enough time in the exam to code everything from scratch in Pig. Pig is not listed in the Required Skills, because there will not be a specific question where you are required to use Pig on the exam. The Required Skills section contains this line: Use Data Definition Language (DDL) to create tables in the Hive metastore for use by Hive and Impala. There is no contradiction. This is a "problem solving exam" as opposed to a "tools exam". You will need to be able to use Hadoop tools to generate solutions, but the tool that you use is up to you.
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07:42 AM
The CCA-175 exam is the Developer exam and maps to the Developer training: The DE-575 exam is our Data Engineering exam. It includes topics that are coved in the Big Data Applications course: I would like to point out that the DE-575 is a CCP (Cloudera Certified Professional) exam. That means that it is our mastery level exam in the developer track. It is meant for people that have industry knowledge and exerience working in the field; we do not provide a prep-course for taking that exam.
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07:43 AM
The vnc software that will set up your remote desktop will be using port 20443. I don't know of any way to test that your company firewall will allow access to that port.
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06:45 AM
1 Kudo
You are making a connection from your browser to a remote cluster running in AWS. Your browser will become a virtual desktop, complete with IDEs, teminals, etc. If you want a free environment to practice in, you can download the Cloudera Quickstart VM. Here is a link to the latest version:
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