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01:11 PM
You are life saver, I have been struggling with this for 7-8 hours and my deadline to submit a case study was close. Thanks alot!!!
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07:37 AM
I am quite interested in writing CCA Spark and Hadoop exam. The current version is using Spark 1.6. However i wish to write the exam using Spark 2.x version. Is this possible to write exam using Spark 2.x API?
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02:28 AM
Why not creating an Hive table on top of the text file and then simply use an hive query to load the data into the avro table ?
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09:30 AM
1 Kudo CCA175 is a hands-on, practical exam using Cloudera technologies. Each user is given their own CDH5 (currently 5.3.2) cluster pre-loaded with Spark, Impala, Crunch, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Kafka, Flume, Kite, Hue, Oozie, DataFu, and many others (See a full list). In addition the cluster also comes with Python (2.6 and 3.4), Perl 5.10, Elephant Bird, Cascading 2.6, Brickhouse, Hive Swarm, Scala 2.11, Scalding, IDEA, Sublime, Eclipse, and NetBeans. Since these are developer questions, the particular version of CDH should not matter much. The Quickstart VM should be almost identical to the cluster environment. The cluster supports Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.4
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