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11:10 AM
Harsh, thank you very much for all your help. I found how how to create and use roles through API. Everything works. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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11:37 AM
Harsh, thank you again and yes, I am looking for mapreduce_application_classpath. I need to append the value. Unfortunately curl -X GET -i http://admin:admin@ does not return this property at all. And there is no mapred service. How I can get and modify this value through API? As usual, your answer will be greatly appreaciated. This looks like my last problem. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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12:33 AM
Harsh, thank you very much. I was glad to find out after reading your response that solution that I came to right one while waiting for the response. May I ask you another question. I also need to modify value of mapreduce.application.classpath property. It is in mapred-site.xml. I cannot find API ways to do this. I cannot even retrieve any mapred properties with API. There is no mapred service. Only yarn. Could you, please, help. Or should I open another topic? Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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12:56 PM
Harsh, thank you very much for your response. I looked at the doc and it instructs how to add property through GUI. We are looking for command line capability. Does it exist? Anything, REST API or some script(Ambari has one)? Please, let me know even if the only way is GUI. I would need to rethink our approach, if Cloudera does not provide command line capability to add properties. I will really appreciate your answer, since it will spare me from fruitless research attemts and will save me time. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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12:45 AM
We need to add proxyuser properties to hdfs-site.xml during installation of our product. CM REST API allows only update of existing property. Does anyone know how to add property without GUI? I tried the gollowing statement, but it fails: curl -iv -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -d '{"items":[{ "name": "ztsps_hadoop_proxyuser_groups_list","value": "*", "required": false, "default": "*", "displayName": "PS Proxy User Hosts", "description" : "PS user groups", "relatedName": "hadoop.proxyuser.ztsps.groups", "validationState" : "OK", "validationWarningsSuppressed" : false}]}' http://admin:admin@ It returns: { "message" : "Unknown configuration attribute 'ztsps_hadoop_proxyuser_groups_list'." * Connection #0 to host left intact * Closing connection #0 } Any help will be greatly appreciated, Igor Kiselev.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Cloudera Manager
11:35 AM
2 Kudos
docu56048_OneFS-7.2-CLI-Administration-Guide.pdf Configure HDFS authentication properties on the Hadoop client If you want clients running Hadoop 2.2 and later to connect to an access zone through Kerberos, you must make some modifications to the core-site.xml and hdfs- site.xml files on the Hadoop clients. Before you begin Kerberos must be set as the HDFS authentication method and a Kerberos authentication provider must be configured on the cluster. Procedure 1. Go to the $HADOOP_CONF directory on your Hadoop client. 2. Open the core-site.xml file in a text editor. 3. Set the value of the property to false as shown in the following example: <property> <name></name> <value>false</value> </property> 4. Save and close the core-site.xml file. 5. Open the hdfs-site.xml file in a text editor. 6. Set the value of the dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal.pattern property to the Kerberos realm as shown in the following example: <property> <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal.pattern</name> <value>hdfs/*</value> </property> 7. Save and close the hdfs-site.xml file.
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04:03 PM
Russ, thank you very much for your help. We got it working. It was property value. Isilon documentation explicitely says to set it to false and this breaks mapred job. We discovered it by accident. Somebody forgot it to set on one cluster and mapred worked on this cluster, since default is true. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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12:05 PM
Russ, thank you so much for your help. Unfortunately it did not work in my case. Could, please, tell me, when and if you have time, which principals did you create on Isilon? Did you go with recommended or you had to create something special? I will really, really appreciate your response and help. If one googles this problem, one would find that you seems to be the only person who made it to work. And we are getting pretty desperate over here. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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06:39 PM
Russ, have you ever got this issue reloved? We are facing exactly the same problem with PHD distribution. Could you share, please, how, if ever, you solved this. Regards, Igor Kiselev.
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