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08:57 AM
Its good that the "Required Skills" section is pretty specific but there is some contradiction. Under the "Exam Question Format" it mentions impala as copy pasted below "In some cases, a tool such as Impala or Hive may be used. " but "required skills" section make no mention of impala. Similarly, "required skills" section dont mentio pig at all. Does it mean pig will not be asked in the exam? however, pig is included in the list of resources available on exam cluster. The tools mentioned in the "required skills" section are: MYSQL HDFS Sqoop Flume Hadoop fs spark hive meta store avro json files and you can see the list do not include pig or impala.
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08:16 AM
Congratulations! So how long it took you to prepare for the exam and get such good marks in it? plus you had any background of any of the hadoop technologies before you started preparing for it?
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