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3324 | 05-09-2018 03:22 PM |
10:09 AM
Hello R, Following suggests that HiveMetaStore isn't allowing connections from PRINCIPLE @ REALM. Caused by: User: hive/ FQDN @ REALM is not allowed to impersonate PRINCIPLE @ REALM
A very common reason for this to occur is configuring "hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups" per steps from link [1]. If this access is required for the user running Spark jobs, you can add the group of this user to hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups or the username of this user to hadoop.proxyuser.hive.users [1]
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06:22 PM
Hello Vijay, Please see [1]. This use case isn't supported. However, shared error suggests that executor isn't able to connect to Impala daemon due to authenitcation issues. This is because executor is running in a separate JVM and should acquire Kerberos TGT as well. In order to perform this, you could make use of jaas configuration, see [2] and search for "To set up the JAAS login configuration file" (page 15). Once you have a tested Jaas login configuration and a keytab file, you could pass it as follows to the executors. --conf "" \ --conf "spark.yarn.dist.files=<path_to_keytab>.keytab,<path_to_keytab>/jaas.conf" Alternatively, if your Impala can authenticate using LDAP, you could also test using it. Hope this helps! Thanks, Sudarshan [1] [2]
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03:22 PM
Error visible at the client side is very high level. impala-shell could be used as follows to connect to a particular Impala daemon and test LDAP authentication.
impala-shell -l -u --auth_creds_ok_in_clear -i
Reviewing log file of above Impala daemon and a network capture with the LDAP server can reveal integration issues with LDAP server.
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