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1935 | 01-14-2016 12:17 PM |
01:08 AM
2 Kudos
Hi SHoffmann, given that my customer enjoys paid Cloudera support and I insisted on getting an answer to the problem on behalf of the customer the Cloudera support provided the following answer: JDBC using authentication does not work for the Impala driver There are two workarounds to this only: 1) install LDAP and Kerberos then the JDBC driver will start working 2) use AuthMech=0 (no authentication at all) If neither of the above is an option for you then you can use ODBC driver which supports plain user/pw authentication Best regards jaro
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06:51 AM
Thank you very much, Tim and Ivan. I have tested on customer system and with "set disable_codegen=1;" the query does NOT crash the whole impala cluster anymore. I will inform the customer and provide him with a link to this discussion
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07:08 AM
Hello, impalad version 2.3.0-cdh5.5.1 RELEASE (build 73bf5bc5afbb47aa7eab06cfbf6023ba8cb74f3c) this query causes the whole Impala cluster (all impalad daemons) to crash due to an unhandled exception: select month(cast((`timestamp`) as timestamp)), count(*) FROM cl_qar c group by 1; immediate output of the query is: Socket error 104: Connection reset by peer contents of the error log: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl >' what(): Year is out of valid range: 1400..10000 table description is as follows: ident | string | Inferred from Parquet file timestamp | bigint | Inferred from Parquet file cycle_id | bigint | Inferred from Parquet file_value | string | Inferred from Parquet file interesting is that when the aggregation is removed then the query does not cause any trouble the query is never caught by the HistoryServer or Impala Queries in CDM due to the crash best regards jaro
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
01:36 PM
thank you, SparkeyG! for the YARN environment snippet should I add the same string (PYSPARK_PYTHON)?
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01:08 PM
Dear SparkeyG, pls would you elaborate on how to add the PYSPARK_PYTHON variable to YARN configuration snippet as per your suggestion? What format do I need to use for the snippet? Would you be so kind and post an example? Thank you jaro
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12:55 PM
Hello, I would like to step into this discussion as well. I cannot establish a connection to Impala (impalad version 2.3.0-cdh5.5.1 RELEASE) using the recommended JDBC drivers ("" - com.cloudera.impala.jdbc4.Driver). Impala is configured to use Sentry for authorization and with the HDFS synchronization plugin activated, otherwise no LDAP and no Kerberos. User - Group mappings are provided by OS. Used connection strings: jdbc:impala://:21050/;UID=;PWD=;AuthMech=3;auth=noSasl; and jdbc:impala://:21050/;UID=;PWD=;AuthMech=3; in both cases the client The client never manages to connect to the Impala daemon and each connection attempt results in "Connection time out". Tthe only successful connection is with this string: jdbc:impala://:21050;AuthMech=0; but this is not really useful because as anonymous / unauthorized user I have no privileges and the only db that can be accessed is "default" and no operation can be performed The documentation in "Cloudera - Simba JDBC Driver for Cloudera Impala Install Guide.pdf" is incomplete and contradictory (e.g.undocumented "auth" property, and in the newest version of the guide "" there are confusing mentions of non-existing licence files "ClouderaClouderaImpalaJDBCDriver.lic") Has anyone succeeded to connect to Impala with Sentry without LDAP/Kerberos? I have also raised an official incident with Cloudera Services on behalf of my customer. Thank you jaro
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02:51 PM
is the Cloudera Impala driver open-source? would you point me to its source code repository? thank you jaro
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02:28 PM
version "" page 8: "Before you can use the Cloudera JDBC Driver for Impala, you must place the ClouderaClouderaImpalaJDBCDriver.lic file in the same directory as the ImpalaJDBC3.jar, ImpalaJDBC4.jar, or ImpalaJDBC41.jar file."
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08:43 AM
Hello, the "Cloudera - Simba JDBC Driver for Cloudera Impala Install Guide.pdf" says that a file called "ClouderaClouderaImpalaJDBCDriver.lic" needs to be placed in the same directory where "ImpalaJDBC[version].jar" is stored. I would like to know what kind of file it is and where to get it? How does your customer obtain this file? Thank you jaro
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
12:17 PM
2 Kudos
well, this was indeed unnecessary strugle... 😞 I found the root cause in the logs of the now active namenode (" Cannot run program "/etc/hadoop/conf/") when I enabled the High Availability in the cluster as a part of the exercises required by the admin course I simply forgot to provide the new namenode with the script (changing the topology was another prior exercise). now all hdfs commands can be run from both namenodes
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