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4173 | 09-09-2016 09:34 AM |
09:34 AM
Hi, I did install from scratch a new cluster using m4 instance type and I could not reproduce the error. Thanks.
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10:15 AM
Hi, Thanks for your reply. I can definitely access the data after start and stop of my instances. In my case, my m3.xlarge instances are attached with an EBS storage device : both my boot and block devices are attached to the same ebs volume. That's also what makes it possible to stop and start the instances. Also, as you can read in my initial post, I'm using Cloudera Director and Cloudera Manager for the deployment/management of my CDH cluster. At this stage, I still do not see what's causing the issues I have mentionned above. Regards.
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10:20 PM
I'm running a POC on AWS using CDH 5.7.2. I have created and configure a simple environment using Cloudera Director as follow :
Cloudera manager
1 x Master
3 x Workers
1 x Gateway
All the 6 instances are m3.xlarge instance type. The installation is smooth and straight foward using cloudera director. After running my jobs for the POC, I stop the cluster from cloudera manager and then stop the instances on EC2 dashboard.
When I restart the instances and the cluster, I always get the following error in various order :
Bad : 659 missing blocks in the cluster. 986 total blocks in the cluster. Percentage missing blocks: 66.84%. Critical threshold: any.
Bad : 659 under replicated blocks in the cluster. 986 total blocks in the cluster. Percentage under replicated blocks: 66.84%. Critical threshold: 40.00%.
Event Server Down (I have to manually start)
Exception while getting fetch configDefaults hash: none Connection refused
Failed to publish event: SimpleEvent{attributes={STACKTRACE=[ Connection refused
ERROR com.cloudera.cmf.eventcatcher.server.EventCatcherService Could not fetch descriptor after 5 tries, exiting.
Host monitor Down (I have to manually start)
I consistantly reproduce these errors for every fresh installations I have done:
- At first, all green light
- After stopping the cluster/instances and restarting these errors occur
Is there anything wrong with the approach I use to stop & start my cluster ? I've started googling a bit around the missing block issue and understant that it may be related to corrupted files. How to prevent this issue from happening ? Any best practices are welcomed...
I've realized that I'm spending more than half of my time actually fixing the environment instead of focusing on my POC.
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07:14 AM
Hi, I have successfully created a table in Hive by ingesting a CSV file, but I cannot query this table with Impala which does not recognize the column with the data type "date": Create table elections (
id string,
name string,
dt date)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH "/home/cloudera/datasets/vox/elections.csv" overwrite INTO TABLE elections ; I was able to successfully query that table in hive. Below the result of describe within each query editor: HIVE IMPALA Would you be able to explain that difference ? I'm using Hive version 1.1.0 and Impala version 2.3.0 Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala