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13089 | 07-01-2016 06:09 AM |
06:09 AM
3 Kudos
By following the below steps i have resolved the issue 1. Just give the name of the file in 'Shell Command' field 2. After clicking enter, you see 'Files' button. Select the HDFS path to the script in that field and submit the action. By this way, it will add an element as below, in the workflow xml. <file>hdfs://${namenode}/tmp/data/file/</file>
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04:25 AM
I have done @Sai-krish wrote: @MBFRBSF wrote: Copying shell script to oozie-oozi folder did not work for me. Still results in error=2, No such file or directory. I am using Cloudera Enterprise 5.4.7 Hi @MBFRBSF, Please try the following. 1. Just give the name of the file in 'Shell Command' field 2. After clicking enter, you see 'Files' button. Select the HDFS path to the script in that field and submit the action. Hope this helps. Hello, I have done it as you suggested, but now it showing another error as below, Stdoutput 07/01/2016 09:36:29 AM ERROR File "/mnt/yarn/nm/usercache/root/appcache/application_1464237984019_796615/container_e140_1464237984019_796615_01_000002/" is not found. Hence terminating the process
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03:54 AM
I have created an Oozie workflow which runs the shell action and process the data. Below is the workflow XML for the shell action, <workflow-app name="My_Workflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5"> <start to="shell-a221"/> <kill name="Kill"> <message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message> </kill> <action name="shell-a221"> <shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <exec>hdfs://${namenode}/tmp/data/file/</exec> <argument>${agr0}</argument> <argument>${agr1}</argument> <argument>${agr2}</argument> <capture-output/> </shell> <ok to="End"/> <error to="Kill"/> </action> <end name="End"/> </workflow-app> Using the above workflow XML i am getting the below error message, Cannot run program "" (in directory "/mnt/yarn/nm/usercache/admin/appcache/application_1464237984019_797762/container_e140_1464237984019_797762_01_000002"): error=2, No such file or directory Could any one please help me out in resolving this issue ?
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