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02:14 PM
@spurusothamanusually we go through a couple of steps to troubleshoot issues like this. The two most likely solutions are: 1. Give the query more memory by increasing mem_limit or reducing # of concurrent queries 2. Adjust the SQL by rewriting the query or adding hints to get a different query plan to that avoids having so many duplicate values on the right side of the join. Depending on the exact scenario, the solution might be 1, 2, or both. straight_join is only useful if you use it to force a plan with a different join order. If you want input on whether you have a bad plan and what a better join order might be, please provide a query profile.
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11:00 PM
I've explored idle query timeout and idle session out before itself and using in prod cluster as well. Those timeouts are not related to idle connections. Idle session timeout is taking care of only session, but still connection is established and being counted under active connections in use. On reading about SocketTimeout option in jdbc driver, it clearly said it will take care of idle connections. Hence tried it out, but doesn't seem to work. Most of users here, using sql workbench through jdbc driver keeps opening new tab for every new query and don't close their tab for the whole day. I assumed sockettimeout will solve this problem.
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