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2459 | 06-27-2016 10:00 PM |
10:33 PM
@Srikaran Jangidi When you say hive:hive is the owner I am assuming that is the user (Kerberos Principal) you are providing in your GetHDFS Processor. Also please check the permissions on the hdfs folders. The user (Kerberos Principal) has to have write permissions on the folders you are trying to delete files in or move files from and to. Can you try the same operation using a hdfs command on the console to confirm it works outside of nifi. Do a kerberos authentication using the same user and keytab and try a move comman kinit -k -t hive.keytab hive hdfs dfs -mv /user/hadoop/file1 /user/hadoop/file2
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06:26 PM
1 Kudo
@Timothy Spann Thanks a lot. These are very helpful, Let me test the flow and will update accordingly. Thanks
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08:29 AM
Hi Vaidya, if in Ambari Zookeeper summary page you see 6 ZK servers, then all 6 are running in the same ensemble and have one leader and 5 followers. You can check that using your favorite tool to run the same shell command on all 6 master nodes, and use "echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode" as the command.
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01:43 PM
@Ted Yu Thanks it worked.
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09:08 PM
Personally I like it off. It binds extra resources in the cluster and the second query will be fast anyway. You also need to know how many sessions you want in advance since it will redistrube queries to the precreated seasons. If you don't care about the first query on a cold system being slow keeping it off is the safer choice IMO
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03:28 AM
HConstants.FOREVER is now defined as follows: /**
* Unlimited time-to-live.
// public static final int FOREVER = -1;
public static final int FOREVER = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
So, you can specify 'FOREVER' for TTL by: create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', TTL => 2147483647} or create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', TTL => 0x7fffffff}
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