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4738 | 11-03-2016 10:06 AM |
09:10 AM
Hi Tim, I'd like to resond and say that we were running into the issues that you brought up, I will also note that changing our double values of 1200 to 1200.0 does seem to remedy that particular problem. Thank you for your response.
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06:23 AM
Hi TIm, thank you for your response. I am currently running CDH 5.8.3 and Impala 2.6. Will Impala 2.9 be included in CDH 5.11? So it looks like my options are to either use the double type instead of the decimal type, or use 1200.0 I want to also note I am getting this issue in Hive as well as Impala
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09:14 AM
Hi all, Has anybody ran into problems when dividing decimal types in Impala? We run the following query: select a.var1, a.var2, a.var3, a.var1 * (1 + (a.var2- a.var3) /1200 ) as problem_statement, 150 * (1 + (5.56 - 0.36) /1200) as raw_values from ( select * from table_a ) a, (select * from table_b ) b Our results are: a.var1 a.var2 a.var3 problem_statement raw_values 150 5.56 0.36 150.6499999995 150.65 Even though the problem_statement and raw_value are the same select statement, they get back slightly different values. Because we round some of our variables and call them later in the query, this error is altering our entire query results. The correct value is being returned by the raw_results query. I will note that the data types for problem_statement and raw_value are different. One is a decimal data type and the other is a double lv_hmbs_participation_bal decimal(12,2) grosscoupon decimal(10,6) lv_hmbs_servicing_fee decimal(10,6) problem_statement_no_round decimal(30,13) raw_values double Has anybody else ran into this issue?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
10:06 AM
Hi, So I worked with Cloudera Support, the problem was our user had a comment before the first line of his query. Example --comment is here use database;
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06:11 AM
Using -q as a flag for Impala shell seemed to make things much worse
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06:05 AM
Let me check with my user and see if it makes any difference. I will report back after the user tests We are running Impala 2.3 from CDH 5.5.4
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08:28 AM
We have a user who is running impala-shell from the edge node of our hadoop cluster. The user is running a query sucessfully and having the output of the query going to a csv. When the user looks at the csv with vim or vi they have two two blank lines before the data from the query shows up. Has anybody else had this problem? The user is able to remove the two blank lines, but is annoyed by this process because it interrupts his workflow. Anybody else have this problem? Impala-shell command impala-shell --ssl -V -i -u cmorris -B -o test.csv --print_header --output_delimiter='|' -f user.sql Example of test.csv ---------------------------------------------------- head header head data data data
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache Impala
11:29 AM
1 Kudo
Just wanted to come back and confirm that updating to 5.5.4 did in fact solve the issue. Thank you for your help!
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09:18 AM
Thank you for all your help. We will attempt to upgrade this afternoon. If it solves our problem I will come back and mark your answer as correct. Thank you so much
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07:38 AM
This is the full output of the stack trace. Thanks [mrice@hare8 ~]$ HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console hadoop fs -put testkb.txt /data/fi 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG util.Shell: setsid exited with exit code 0 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG conf.Configuration: parsing URL jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.5.2-1.cdh5.5.2.p0.4/ja rs/hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.5.2.jar!/core-default.xml 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG conf.Configuration: parsing input stream$JarURLIn putStream@15427c33 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG conf.Configuration: parsing URL file:/etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn/core-site.xml 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG conf.Configuration: parsing input stream 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG core.Tracer: sampler.classes = ; loaded no samplers 16/07/27 10:28:53 DEBUG core.Tracer: span.receiver.classes = ; loaded no span receivers 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG lib.MutableMetricsFactory: field org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableRate org.apache.hado$UgiMetrics.loginSuccess with annotation @org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Met ric(valueName=Time, about=, value=[Rate of successful kerberos logins and latency (milliseconds)], always=false, ty pe=DEFAULT, sampleName=Ops) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG lib.MutableMetricsFactory: field org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableRate org.apache.hado$UgiMetrics.loginFailure with annotation @org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Met ric(valueName=Time, about=, value=[Rate of failed kerberos logins and latency (milliseconds)], always=false, type=D EFAULT, sampleName=Ops) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG lib.MutableMetricsFactory: field org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableRate org.apache.hado$UgiMetrics.getGroups with annotation @org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metric (valueName=Time, about=, value=[GetGroups], always=false, type=DEFAULT, sampleName=Ops) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG impl.MetricsSystemImpl: UgiMetrics, User and group related metrics 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.Groups: Creating new Groups object 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.Groups: Group mapping; cacheTimeout=300000; warningDeltaMs=5000 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: hadoop login 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: hadoop login commit 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: using kerberos user:mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: Using user: "mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM" with name mrice@PUTNAMINV. COM 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: User entry: "mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM" 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: UGI loginUser:mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM (auth:KERBEROS) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG core.Tracer: sampler.classes = ; loaded no samplers 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG core.Tracer: span.receiver.classes = ; loaded no span receivers 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: Found tgt Ticket (hex) = 0000: 61 82 05 23 30 82 05 1F A0 03 02 01 05 A1 0F 1B a..#0........... 0010: 0D 50 55 54 4E 41 4D 49 4E 56 2E 43 4F 4D A2 22 .PUTNAMINV.COM." 0020: 30 20 A0 03 02 01 02 A1 19 30 17 1B 06 6B 72 62 0 .......0...krb 0030: 74 67 74 1B 0D 50 55 54 4E 41 4D 49 4E 56 2E 43 tgt..PUTNAMINV.C 0040: 4F 4D A3 82 04 E1 30 82 04 DD A0 03 02 01 17 A1 OM....0......... 0050: 03 02 01 02 A2 82 04 CF 04 82 04 CB C3 65 D3 C9 .............e.. 0060: 71 75 0C 09 0C 7E E9 C0 CF 98 4F 6C AE B3 D2 A9 qu........Ol.... 0070: 27 C6 70 C9 0A 84 5B 18 80 0B D3 94 2A 44 17 A9 '.p...[.....*D.. 0080: BE F4 70 E2 67 DD AB 0D 27 A6 58 FD 80 B0 4A FB ..p.g...'.X...J. 0090: FA 5D B7 34 75 FE C0 82 E3 78 51 ED 5D E1 F0 6F .].4u....xQ.]..o 00A0: F8 65 9F B2 31 76 A0 03 F1 8C F1 4B 9F 45 03 63 .e..1v.....K.E.c 00B0: 90 67 55 D8 90 41 A3 26 61 A2 9A A4 13 50 B9 33 .gU..A.&a....P.3 00C0: 58 47 6B 9E D9 AF EB E3 07 54 83 10 C4 DB D4 2D XGk......T.....- 00D0: F9 C4 48 FB 6D BB B9 C8 0C B6 01 DC 3B 84 49 6C ..H.m.......;.Il 00E0: 04 B9 87 AA BB 75 A3 BB 96 14 16 13 74 B8 EF 12 .....u......t... 00F0: 05 B1 1A 3C D4 D8 02 D5 2A CF D2 3F B4 80 DE 75 ...<....*..?...u 0100: 3E 22 78 70 B4 68 B9 D7 1A C8 6B 4A 94 98 C4 FA >"xp.h....kJ.... 0110: AF A3 93 31 CC 33 07 37 9F 95 B2 4B 77 3F 56 A1 ...1.3.7...Kw?V. 0120: 5B 14 20 25 E5 82 57 91 9B 62 A9 44 44 42 CE 03 [. %..W..b.DDB.. 0130: 59 C3 03 E0 E1 6E 42 F5 2F EC B8 B2 B8 1C 7B 0E Y....nB./....... 0140: 96 6C 09 3B 3E F6 0C B0 2E 25 DA 5A ED CC 64 A9 .l.;>....%.Z..d. 0150: C5 13 98 B2 F8 BC 7B 8B 65 27 69 1D 68 D6 3A E9 ........e'i.h.:. 0160: 9C 6D 93 35 22 17 F8 6C 5F DC 8E A3 62 94 52 F0 .m.5"..l_...b.R. 0170: 14 E9 8B F4 34 DF CD 7C 6F 65 7A 41 44 32 9D 64 ....4...oezAD2.d 0180: 86 0C B2 2F 3C 06 EC 5D F2 38 9F 79 6A 58 20 27 .../<..].8.yjX ' 0190: DA B3 0E 5F 67 45 B4 60 6D 0A 88 BC 60 36 F6 42 ..._gE.`m...`6.B 01A0: DB 16 38 3C A6 3F 24 4E 2E 02 DA 8D 70 05 F4 AF ..8<.?$N....p... 01B0: 03 64 68 76 12 10 21 21 13 E9 89 9B 92 4B 37 69 .dhv..!!.....K7i 01C0: 25 23 21 AE C1 C3 F5 1A 32 B1 C1 BC 29 CA 37 EB %#!.....2...).7. 01D0: 15 66 4A CA 3E 22 A5 65 76 95 DC F8 AB E5 19 28 .fJ.>".ev......( 01E0: 61 9C 22 15 80 55 9C 9F 5C AD 6A B0 A9 BA 83 C5 a."..U..\.j..... 01F0: 08 0D 13 15 71 14 5B B4 AF 8A D9 99 46 6E 74 8E ....q.[.....Fnt. 0200: 58 73 E1 1C 66 D2 AF 80 65 C0 AE 1D 20 E8 43 84 Xs..f...e... .C. 0210: F3 0F 4D 7F 4A BA C6 BD 7A 47 44 5B 48 5E A4 7B ..M.J...zGD[H^.. 0220: A4 7A E3 7D FB 33 5E D4 09 0A 72 5D 2D 03 85 C7 .z...3^...r]-... 0230: B3 CD D9 A2 B5 99 88 E3 96 6B E9 A2 88 AA FD E9 .........k...... 0240: 1C C7 E9 AA BE E3 69 8A E8 15 84 10 8B 68 E9 A2 ......i......h.. 0250: BB 50 DC D7 DF 82 F4 46 54 9C FB D6 F8 59 A3 10 .P.....FT....Y.. 0260: 5E 2B 7D E2 98 D8 FA 05 58 D4 25 CD 9C 47 A7 FC ^+......X.%..G.. 0270: DE 78 07 58 FB 2B B3 4A E9 AB ED E7 24 77 9B 53 .x.X.+.J....$w.S 0280: BD 2E 40 F9 F9 A2 64 5C E4 E5 AA C5 DB C8 C3 1E ..@...d\........ 0290: 61 B1 4F E2 B2 83 3D 81 C2 3F 3C BB 21 83 91 0D a.O...=..?<.!... 02A0: 9D B0 F0 C4 1D 09 15 82 33 16 D0 D9 A6 6E 36 79 ........3....n6y 02B0: 1B 75 34 A3 8C F6 DB 1E 69 91 C2 08 18 E6 6B 0B .u4.....i.....k. 02C0: 79 C5 C6 BD 12 56 A8 C4 63 48 53 32 CA 7A C5 95 y....V..cHS2.z.. 02D0: 41 1E FD 5C 8D D9 CC C5 16 1B C3 EA 55 D4 15 6A A..\........U..j 02E0: B2 E2 E5 AF 9C 54 4D 11 09 FA 89 96 8E 9C A6 BE .....TM......... 02F0: 6A 70 08 AD F3 88 C3 F0 69 8A EB B7 3B 3F DB B6 jp......i...;?.. 0300: E4 BC D6 FB B3 2C 23 59 90 2B 79 F7 A4 A3 75 71 .....,#Y.+y...uq 0310: 78 D2 5E CF B3 05 14 28 D0 D1 48 EB 4F 97 B9 2D x.^....(..H.O..- 0320: D3 73 DF 59 62 AB DB 52 CE 64 88 4B 7F 12 CF C5 .s.Yb..R.d.K.... 0330: 84 AD 8E 89 0B 57 FA AE 0C B5 DB 65 D5 F9 FD 42 .....W.....e...B 0340: 70 58 31 B8 07 D4 8F 38 76 FA 7E 8B B6 19 71 EE pX1....8v.....q. 0350: 7D 3C 1D 37 96 2E 6D 41 E6 C5 7B 37 CD 52 2B 81 .<.7..mA...7.R+. 0360: B3 81 CD A9 AE A5 5C E2 32 3D 0F C8 A9 98 5A D9 ......\.2=....Z. 0370: 96 FD 9A FF 6A C6 9E F4 4E 8D 6F 71 9B BC B2 F4 ....j...N.oq.... 0380: CD B8 84 B1 CF A0 ED 06 CF 58 67 30 10 51 0D 87 .........Xg0.Q.. 0390: 8D 18 44 BF 0A 6B 09 66 C3 9E 31 9C 77 69 77 32 ..D..k.f..1.wiw2 03A0: A0 3C 9B 4F 5F 9C 16 6E 7E 00 D2 2A 05 70 4D 67 .<.O_..n...*.pMg 03B0: C5 06 EC 44 62 D4 50 0A 86 12 3E F1 E9 66 78 E8 ...Db.P...>..fx. 03C0: 85 2F D9 CE A4 D8 A0 87 97 0C E7 8F 06 B7 5F 01 ./............_. 03D0: 83 DB 40 79 08 5E EF 87 83 C2 7A 8F CD C9 48 21 ..@y.^....z...H! 03E0: 17 9D 3A 25 81 22 D1 2F E7 C4 0C 3A 0A 18 1E 8D ..:%."./...:.... 03F0: FF B7 69 2F 0E D5 7F BA 67 AE 75 97 6E 48 DE 00 ..i/....g.u.nH.. 0400: 4D 2D 4A 87 64 B2 17 0D 4A D8 A1 EB 3D F0 DF 2B M-J.d...J...=..+ 0410: D8 AD 17 0F D6 AA 13 4F 42 24 16 59 BA 03 F7 C2 .......OB$.Y.... 0420: A6 2A 78 05 F1 C2 3D 1A 7B 0B 9C D6 8D 11 20 DA .*x...=....... . 0430: D3 8C EF 4A 23 73 35 55 30 0E 95 04 C8 90 22 F6 ...J#s5U0.....". 0440: 8D C0 90 48 41 AB FE 43 1D 99 61 2B C1 47 BA 95 ...HA..C..a+.G.. 0450: 01 F7 BB 37 54 49 DE CE F2 2F 3F DE AB A8 04 D3 ...7TI.../?..... 0460: A9 F5 7A 2E 42 36 CA 04 48 0A 5F 3B BF BB F2 99 ..z.B6..H._;.... 0470: F5 D6 56 9F 78 77 6F 0E 01 66 F8 C3 F5 13 10 76 ..V.xwo..f.....v 0480: D5 E7 1F 3D FA 8C C8 03 BB 16 A6 78 35 67 37 B7 ...=.......x5g7. 0490: 5E 0A A7 4A F1 A9 42 B6 EA 96 94 1D 72 61 75 E6 ^..J..B.....rau. 04A0: 10 97 BD AB 1F 40 62 AF 3D B4 0E BE D4 C6 92 36 .....@b.=......6 04B0: B4 78 2E C8 63 B0 AC FD 68 83 45 DF 09 EA 8B 0F .x..c...h.E..... 04C0: 7A 0D 6A 40 53 6B 3C B0 78 F4 7B 6E 61 1E DD B5 z.j@Sk< 04D0: 9A 40 D0 FE B0 7B B0 F1 48 86 74 EF 03 02 65 F6 .@......H.t...e. 04E0: 8D 98 3B B3 53 7C 22 B9 AB 51 E1 FA 05 7D 05 E1 ..;.S."..Q...... 04F0: 27 AF 19 C4 39 FE 87 21 14 A0 95 5B F9 89 DB BE '...9..!...[.... 0500: E7 D8 FC FA 8C D4 B4 5A 54 53 93 B4 1E 47 80 46 .......ZTS...G.F 0510: 1A 3E AD D6 66 A6 68 8E E8 29 64 DF A8 8F 48 0F .>..f.h..)d...H. 0520: A3 E7 33 52 67 34 05 ..3Rg4. Client Principal = mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM Server Principal = krbtgt/PUTNAMINV.COM@PUTNAMINV.COM Session Key = EncryptionKey: keyType=23 keyBytes (hex dump)= 0000: A5 E3 07 E9 7F 5D E2 9E B1 BA 12 1B A0 8E 93 37 .....].........7 Forwardable Ticket true Forwarded Ticket false Proxiable Ticket false Proxy Ticket false Postdated Ticket false Renewable Ticket true Initial Ticket true Auth Time = Wed Jul 27 08:37:02 EDT 2016 Start Time = Wed Jul 27 08:36:55 EDT 2016 End Time = Wed Jul 27 18:37:02 EDT 2016 Renew Till = Thu Jul 28 08:36:55 EDT 2016 Client Addresses Null 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: Current time is 1469629734340 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: Next refresh is 1469651820600 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG hdfs.BlockReaderLocal: dfs.client.use.legacy.blockreader.local = false 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG hdfs.BlockReaderLocal: = false 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG hdfs.BlockReaderLocal: = false 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG hdfs.BlockReaderLocal: dfs.domain.socket.path = /var/run/hdfs-sockets/dn 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG retry.RetryUtils: multipleLinearRandomRetry = null 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Server: rpcKind=RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER, rpcRequestWrapperClass=class org.apache.hadoop.ipc .ProtobufRpcEngine$RpcRequestWrapper, rpcInvoker=org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine$Server$ProtoBufRpcInvoker@ 7fe6640c 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: getting client out of cache: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client@f67264e 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG util.NativeCodeLoader: Trying to load the custom-built native-hadoop library... 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG util.NativeCodeLoader: Loaded the native-hadoop library 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG unix.DomainSocketWatcher:$2@7a85273: startin g with interruptCheckPeriodMs = 60000 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG util.PerformanceAdvisory: Both short-circuit local reads and UNIX domain socket are disable d. 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG sasl.DataTransferSaslUtil: DataTransferProtocol using SaslPropertiesResolver, configured QO P = privacy, configured class = class 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: The ping interval is 60000 ms. 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: Connecting to 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.UserGroupInformation: PrivilegedAction as:mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM (auth:KERBEROS) from :org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.setupIOstreams( 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Sending sasl message state: NEGOTIATE 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Received SASL message state: NEGOTIATE auths { method: "TOKEN" mechanism: "DIGEST-MD5" protocol: "" serverId: "default" challenge: "realm=\"default\",nonce=\"2vqGs0+R6dAlI0Z3dwGfXeyk3jM+rF6zLYy76xIU\",qop=\"auth-conf\",charset=utf-8, cipher=\"3des,rc4,des,rc4-56,rc4-40\",algorithm=md5-sess" } auths { method: "KERBEROS" mechanism: "GSSAPI" protocol: "hdfs" serverId: "" } 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Get token info proto:interface org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB.Cl ientNamenodeProtocolPB .token.delegation.DelegationTokenSelector) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Get kerberos info proto:interface org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB .ClientNamenodeProtocolPB, serverPrincipal=dfs.namen ode.kerberos.principal) 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: RPC Server's Kerberos principal name for protocol=org.apache.hadoop .hdfs.protocolPB.ClientNamenodeProtocolPB is hdfs/ 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Creating SASL GSSAPI(KERBEROS) client to authenticate to service a t 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Use KERBEROS authentication for protocol ClientNamenodeProtocolPB 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Sending sasl message state: INITIATE token: "`\202\006\a\006\t*\206H\206\367\022\001\002\002\001\000n\202\005\3660\202\005\362\240\003\002\001\005\241\0 03\002\001\016\242\a\003\005\000 \000\000\000\243\202\005\034a\202\005\0300\202\005\024\240\003\002\001\005\241\017 \033\rPUTNAMINV.COM\242*0(\240\003\002\001\000\241!0\037\033\004hdfs\033\\243\202\004\316 0\202\004\312\240\003\002\001\027\241\003\002\001\001\242\202\004\274\004\202\004\270\006\030\310\032\274\316P \373 \232\245|\206\275\270\371\307\333\235@\001$hMZ\216u\f\307u\207\365\224u\265\347}\004zt0\366\005\317\241\234Ti\021\2 14\274+\234\\|\0010\314U\313\002}\232\017\231;\333\356\034\000\332\031\301o\344\236\357])\276\253)\354z\333\360g\b= \003\375\'\020\330y>\260@\342\005\213\253\"\204\367\226\br\3637\034\262u\a\335\335\2407\217\3616\027%A\346\006\247\ 372|\256\300\032\371A\t\357\223Iw\250(\236\366z\244\242\n&#$\344\aF\\@\203\351\327%\025\271)\301\261 \035\201\261Z\ 223\320\337\362\346\027\'-5\322\201\3765\305?\267\224n\037F\"\037G\332\275\231\262\327[\271i\300\331\223\210\331\25 23\241\305t\274\214\270\252\027\251\221e\027\342\316\236\361\016\030>\313\204\253\2077\256Iw\025r\375$\317N}\230\01 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6\017\027\020\205W\355\300\3339\202\234\030\344\324e\205\215`n\306^\036x\337" 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Sending sasl message state: RESPONSE token: "" 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Received SASL message state: CHALLENGE token: "`0\006\t*\206H\206\367\022\001\002\002\002\001\021\000\377\377\377\377\244\\\367Iq\ba\341v\212\324\356\031\ 215\207\322]\250\200\333\200\374t\357\004\001\000\000\001" 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Sending sasl message state: RESPONSE token: "`0\006\t*\206H\206\367\022\001\002\002\002\001\021\000\377\377\377\377G\302\366)\373\350\"\265\2743\n\266d? \214\255\001\021\234\360\264&\200\333\004\001\000\000\001" 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: Received SASL message state: SUCCESS 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: Negotiated QOP is :auth-conf 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM: starting, having connections 1 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: reading next wrapped RPC packet 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM sending #0 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: wrapping token of length:209 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: unwrapping token of length:132 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM got value #0 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine: Call: getFileInfo took 159ms 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: reading next wrapped RPC packet 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM sending #1 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: wrapping token of length:117 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: unwrapping token of length:78 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM got value #1 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine: Call: getFileInfo took 8ms 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: reading next wrapped RPC packet 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM sending #2 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: wrapping token of length:127 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: unwrapping token of length:78 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM got value #2 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine: Call: getFileInfo took 6ms 16/07/27 10:28:54 DEBUG hdfs.DFSClient: /data/fi/testkb.txt._COPYING_: masked=rw-r--r-- 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: reading next wrapped RPC packet 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM sending #3 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: wrapping token of length:177 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: unwrapping token of length:7093 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM got value #3 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: reading next wrapped RPC packet 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM sending #4 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: wrapping token of length:127 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG security.SaslRpcClient: unwrapping token of length:78 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM got value #4 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.ProtobufRpcEngine: Call: getFileInfo took 6ms put: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: .AuthenticationException: GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt) 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: stopping client from cache: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client@f67264e 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: removing client from cache: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client@f67264e 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: stopping actual client because no more references remain: org.apache.hadoop.ipc .Client@f67264e 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: Stopping client 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM: closed 16/07/27 10:28:55 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (899473761) connection to from mrice@PUTNAMINV.COM: stopped, remaining connections 0
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