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Title | Views | Posted |
12426 | 09-26-2016 06:08 AM | |
3716 | 09-26-2016 05:55 AM | |
12455 | 09-21-2016 01:44 PM | |
4989 | 09-06-2016 05:26 AM | |
29514 | 09-02-2016 10:51 AM |
10:13 AM
1 Kudo
executing a file with multiple queries in it should work. But each statement is executed individually and is non-atomic (they are not executed within a single transaction). Please post exceptions or errors if this has not worked for you.
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08:06 AM
1 Kudo
The JsonSerDe class is in hive-hcatalog-xxx.jar. So you will have to run "ADD JAR" on this file prior. JsonSerDe has been made a first class citizen recently via With this fix you should be able to just use "STORED AS JSONFILE" instead of having to specify the ROW FORMAT SERDE This fix is available in CDH6.1 ( I believe, dont quote me on this) Hope this helps. Thanks
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08:17 AM
There is not information for us to provide any guidance on what could be wrong. Do you believe that the hive results are inaccurate or the impala results? Could you provide the following items for us to look at? 1) full table definition in hive 2) Full or Sample data to help reproduce the issue. 3) Queries results from both Hive and impala for the sample data above. Thanks
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08:01 AM
Could you please post the HMS log snippet please showing the full exception stack? Could you also post the output of select * from SEQUENCE_TABLE from your HMS metastore DB? Thanks
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11:27 AM
the principal is the username that will be passed thru to HS2 for authentication (in your case, user to be authenticated against LDAP). This will be the same user that the jobs will run as in yarn/MR (if impersonation is turned on in Hive). It is not the kerberos-related. It is equivalent to -n command option for beeline. Hope this helps.
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07:37 AM
Its not quite clear what the issue is. We will probably need HS2 and spark logs to do understand the issue. However, I am curious if the second step succeeded. "load data inpath '/tmp/new.txt' into table new_tmp;" This appears to be a local path but there is no "LOCAL" keyword in the command. Have you verfied that the data was actually inserted into new_tmp table after this step? Also what version of CDH is this? Thanks
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07:30 AM
Hello, I am a Hive engineer so I am not quite certain of the HUE side settings but like you said the first step should be to narrow down if it is a hive-side or a hue-side issue. Testing from Beeline makes sense to ensure that hive-side settings are good. To beeline JDBC URL, you can add the TrustStore localtion and credentials for it to use SSL connection. Something like this beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://<HS2HostFQN>:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/etc/cdep-ssl-conf/signer/truststore.jks;sslTrustPassword=<pwd>;principal=<user>" Let me know what you find. Thanks
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09:24 AM
1 Kudo
I would say this is a bug. If the user isnt supposed to be performing a certain action (updating the name node URIs in this case), then either the UI should have prevented the user from performing the action or should have done nothing during the action if the cluster was not HA-enabled for NN. Manipulating the metadata is bad. I will file an internal jira. Thank you for reporting.
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12:31 PM
1 Kudo
The bold text is used to tell hive how to read/interpret the data for the hive table (located at '/user/hive/warehouse/original_access_logs' in this case). 1) ROW FORMAT SERDE "org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe" -- tells hive to use this class to serialize and deserialize the rows to/from the file. 2) input.regex is a property used by this class (RegexSerde) to deserialize the rows read from the table data. So this regex pattern is applied to the row value read from the file to split up into different columns defined in the meta data for this hive table. 3) output.format.string is a property used by this class (RegexSerde) to serialize the rows being written out to this table data. This value is used as a format to generate a row value (from its column values) that is to be written back to the output file for this hive table. Hope this helps. Thanks
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08:10 AM
Awesome !! Thanks for the update.
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