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01:25 PM
Yes, I want to build the cluster in this sandbox the same way I build the rest of my clusters. clustertool buildcluster -profile cdh-in-a-box (clustertool is a custom program that uses the CM Java and REST APIs to create and configure services on a cluster.) This provides a repeatable environment with specific variations from QA and Production. If I have to start from a different point, this increases the differences between DEV-QA-Production configurations.
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01:05 PM
First clean up, just to be safe. ~$ clusterdock_run ./bin/housekeeping nuke
INFO:housekeeping:Removing all containers on this host...
INFO:housekeeping:Successfully removed all containers on this host.
INFO:housekeeping:Removing all user-defined networks on this host...
INFO:housekeeping:Successfully removed all user-defined networks on this host.
INFO:housekeeping:Clearing container entries from /etc/hosts...
INFO:housekeeping:Successfully cleared container entries from /etc/hosts.
INFO:housekeeping:Restarting Docker daemon...
INFO:housekeeping:Successfully nuked this host. Then try to start with no services. ~$ clusterdock_run ./bin/start_cluster cdh --include-service-types=None
INFO:clusterdock.cluster:Network (cluster) not present, creating it...
INFO:clusterdock.cluster:Successfully setup network (name: cluster).
INFO:clusterdock.cluster:Successfully started node-2.cluster (IP address:
INFO:clusterdock.cluster:Successfully started node-1.cluster (IP address:
INFO:clusterdock.cluster:Started cluster in 13.29 seconds.
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Changing server_host to node-1.cluster in /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Restarting CM agents...
cloudera-scm-agent is already stopped
cloudera-scm-agent is already stopped
Starting cloudera-scm-agent: [ OK ]
Starting cloudera-scm-agent: [ OK ]
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Waiting for Cloudera Manager server to come online...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Detected Cloudera Manager server after 77.11 seconds.
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:CM server is now accessible at http://**REDACTED** CM API v13.
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.cm_utils:Updating database configurations... NameNode references in Hive metastore...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service ks_indexer from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service impala from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service hbase from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service hdfs from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service yarn from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service solr from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service spark_on_yarn from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service oozie from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service hue from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service hive from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Removing service zookeeper from Cluster 1 (clusterdock)...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Deploying client configuration...
INFO:clusterdock.topologies.cdh.actions:Starting cluster...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bin/start_cluster", line 70, in <module>
File "./bin/start_cluster", line 63, in main
File "/root/clusterdock/clusterdock/topologies/cdh/", line 146, in start
raise Exception('Failed to start cluster.')
Exception: Failed to start cluster.
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