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03:57 AM
thank you for your detailed reply. sorry if i am digging this up, but i followed have a similar problem (topic partition 5 referencing a non-existent leader broker) and a replication factor of 1 i think this happened during a move of the topic from my colleagues. anyhow i followed your instructions* and enabled the unclean leader election before restarting kafka as cloudera service via manager. however, i am still receiving this line in the log of the supposedly new leader: Broker xxx received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id 1 from controller 1 epoch 1035 for partition [mytopic,5] but cannot become follower since the new leader [ID] is unavailable. where ID is probably an old broker (i wouldnt know) but clearly not an active broker id (of which i have 3). * with the exception that i did not generate a json file but wrote it myself, since only 1 partition needed id-correction and i entered the broker that already holds the partition data on disk
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