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Title | Views | Posted |
26408 | 02-26-2017 09:33 PM | |
3150 | 11-29-2016 04:39 PM | |
11769 | 11-15-2016 06:55 PM |
09:33 PM This link solved my problem. However, there's something wrong with the kafka failover.
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07:10 AM
Hi, I'm using kafka service KAFKA-2.1.0- `kafka-console-consumer --topic test3 --from-beginning --zookeeper cdh-1:2181` works well. `kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server cdh-1:9092 --topic test3 --from-beginning --zookeeper cdh-1:2181 --new-consumer`, however, keep throwing "cannot auto-commit offsets for group since the coordinator is unknown" does anyone have any idea? thanks a lot.
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
07:42 PM
Hi, I have a cluster consist of 7 nodes. Ony ONE of the node delete the activited parcels every time after restart. It delete all the files in /opt/cloudera/parcels except the soft links. Could anyone help me? Thanks.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
04:47 PM
Hi, Eric. 1. I use IP address in Linux hosts(within or without CDH cluster hosts) is both OK. 2. I try FQDN "cdh-121", where the kerberos principal is "cdh-121@REALM". This works in Linux, fails in Windows. I think the hostnames/IP/DNS both work. The trigger to this issue is still unknown.
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04:38 PM
Hi, Ben. I solved my problem case. Hostnames and DNS are fine. saslauthd service must be installed and enabled in every host. Thanks.
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12:08 AM
Hi, I would like to use impyla with PyCharm in Windows machine. I act as the following: 1. kinit using MIT kerberos for Windows. confirm that it is the proper principal. 2. set %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\security\krb5.ini with proper realm and kdc. 3. pip install impyla 4. start PyCharm python console. 5. run the following script: from impala.dbapi import connect
from impala.util import as_pandas
# Impala
conn = connect(host='', port=21050, auth_mechanism='GSSAPI') However, it throw the exception: TTransportException: Could not start SASL: None of the mechanisms listed meet all required properties Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
11:48 PM
Thanks, bgooley. Q1. I've tried ansible to maitain users and groups. It works. Q4. I mean. I would like to use python with PyCharm in Windows, in order to get an iteractive shell. In both following cases, I've kinit using MIT kerberos for Windows. case1: impyla in Python scripts. case2: pyspark in Python scripts.
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11:55 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, I'm trying to enable authorization system in Cloudera. I'm reading this link . Q0: Why can we use LdapGroupsMapping in production environment? I would like to use Apache Zeppline to integreted Apache Spark. I would like to use LDAP as a unifined account system. Q1: If I use, Should I create users and groups in EVERY host in my cluster? Q2: If I use When new users and groups are created, will they sync to EVERY host in my cluster? Q3:When adding new service in Cloudera Manager, for example, kafka service, will `kafka` user created both in LDAP database and EVERY host in my cluster? Q4: I've enabled MIT kerberos in my cluster. Can I submit task from Windows IDE with proper kerberos keytab files. For example, using impyla in Python in Windows machine.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager