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Using Hue, navigate to Workflows > Editors Select the checkbox next to the workflow you want to export. Note: If the workflow has dependent workflows, make sure to check those boxes as well. You must export all dependencies into the same json file to be able to import. Perform the following steps for every workflow entry in the exported json. Make sure that the owner in the workflow json matches the user that is going to import the workflow json. Example: [
"pk": 7,
"model": "desktop.document2",
"fields": {
"uuid": "29f4a162-d3ea-72b4-f031-08da995254ab",
"owner": [
...... If importing into a different cluster than the one exported from, remove the parent_directory entry (as this does not exist in the new cluster) by removing the entire section: "parent_directory": [
], If importing into the same cluster that was exported from, the uuid must be unique (to change the uuid increment a few numbers or letters in the one that is already there or run uuidgen on a Linux or OSX host). Import the workflow by navigating back to Workflows > Editors, selecting Import. Hope the above helps.
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