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1726 | 03-05-2018 12:28 AM |
12:28 AM
I found the answer,the problem is a bug. apache jira issue: CDH repaire version: Yarn for the container management, through the life-cycle approach, we can know the current operating status of each container, after cloudera manager statistical analysis, but also become a chart metric numerical resources. Therefore, we think this is because there is a problem with container life cycle processing.
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06:22 PM
There is a cluster of 15 nodes, several of which Node's chart , the y-axis has a negative case, How dose this happen? is there a solution?
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
05:57 PM
Thank you for your explanation, I will try to adjust jvm heap size, the follow-up situation is there any improvement.
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12:33 AM
Thank you for your reply~ For adjusting jvm parameters, But,I have a question for currently operating resources , currently jvm use nearly 4GB ,therefore, adjusting the xmx parameter will make RM out of memory? Can you explain why this is done by modifying this about jvm parameter?
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06:44 AM
I have a cluster. Recently, it often happens "RESOURCE_MANAGER_GC_DURATION concerning". Observe the GC Collection Time case, each time it lasts for about 12s to 18s duration. JVM Heap size configuration situation 4GB, the overall usage of about 92%, in a high water situation. Please help to give suggestions. The clusters of following specifications: CDH version:5.7.0 Node info service HostName: P1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz Memory:256G cloudera-mgmt-HOSTMONITOR, cloudera-mgmt-EVENTSERVER, cloudera-mgmt-SERVICEMONITOR, cloudera-mgmt-ALERTPUBLISHER, cloudera-mgmt-ACITVITYMONITOR postgresql, hdfs-FAILOVERCONTROLLER, hdfs-NAMENODE, hbase-MASTER, yarn-RESOURCEMANAGER, yarn-NODEMANAGER zookeeper-ZOOKEEPER_SERVER HostName: Q1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz Memory:256G hdfs-FAILOVERCONTROLLER, hdfs-NAMENODE, hdfs-HTTPFS, hbase-MASTER, yarn-RESOURCEMANAGER, yarn-NODEMANAGER, oozie-OOZIE_SERVER zookeeper-ZOOKEEPER_SERVER HostName: R1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz Memory:512G hdfs-DATANODE, hdfs-JOURNALNODE, zookeeper-ZOOKEEPER_SERVER, hbase-REGION_SERVER, Hive-HIVE Metastore server Hive-HiveServer2 yarn-NODEMANAGER, Yarn-JobHistory Server spark_on_yarn-SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER HostName: S1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz Memory:512G hdfs-DATANODE, hdfs-JOURNALNODE, zookeeper-ZOOKEEPER_SERVER, hbase-REGION_SERVER, yarn-NODEMANAGER HostName: T1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz Memory:512G hdfs-DATANODE, hdfs-JOURNALNODE, zookeeper-ZOOKEEPER_SERVER, hbase-REGION_SERVER, yarn-NODEMANAGER
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- Labels:
Apache YARN