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2228 | 04-03-2019 02:56 PM | |
5432 | 04-03-2019 01:11 PM | |
9756 | 12-27-2018 12:54 PM | |
8231 | 12-11-2017 04:54 PM |
04:43 PM
1 Kudo
As you specified the 'kudu.master_addresse' property in the CREATE TABLE statements, Impala requires ALL privileges on SERVER. That error message also indicated that: ERROR: AuthorizationException: User 'yydp/bigdata5@TEST.COM' does not have privileges to access: server1. So you may want to either remove that clause (and set the Kudu master address via-kudu_master_hosts flag), or grant ALL on SERVER to that user.
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10:49 AM
You don't need to take down the other masters, but need to establish a maintenance window (no DDLs) to ensure the table metadata is consistent between followers and the leader. If it is hard in production, alternative is to ensure the master to be taken down is not the leader (to avoid lose data).
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02:56 PM
1 Kudo
The following step below should help you: take a phyciscal backup of the master you are going to take down (in case something is going wrong with the migration). stop doing any DDL to the masters to prevent data loss. take down the master you chosen on step 1. follow the doc Recovering from a Dead Kudu Master in a Multi-Master Deployment.
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01:11 PM
1 Kudo
When you said you were using 'new Date()', is it java.util.Date? If so, can you try 'SimpleDateFormat' where you can set time zone by 'setTimeZone', example can be found here. I also notice the Impala doc stating that 'The conversion between the Impala 96-bit representation and the Kudu 64-bit representation introduces some performance overhead when reading or writing TIMESTAMP columns. You can minimize the overhead during writes by performing inserts through the Kudu API. Because the overhead during reads applies to each query, you might continue to use a BIGINT column to represent date/time values in performance-critical applications.' So I guess that is why you are seeing insert performance difference. And if you care about query performance as well, the other option is to use 'BIGINT' column.
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11:58 AM
Hi Rahul, The error you encountered "Service unavailable: Error reading clock. Clock considered unsynchronized" means either the NTP is not installed, or if the clock is reported as unsynchronized, see NTP Clock Synchronization for trouble shooting. Best, Hao
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10:03 AM
Yes, but notice that raising --flush_threshold_secs too high can affect tablet server restart time. Currently, CDH 6.2 is scheduled for March.
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12:54 PM
Hi huaj, It looks like you are hitting KUDU-1400, which before the fix Kudu cmpacts rowsets based on overlap and not based on other criteria like on-disk size. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix the small rowsets have been flushed. On the other hand, You can rebuild the affected tables, create new tables from this existing tables and see if that helps. Before doing that, please check this doc to see which patten usage pattern caused you to hit this issue and try to prevent that by following the recommendations. FYI, this fix for KUDU-1400 should land in the next release CDH6.2.
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03:07 PM
Hi, For the warning you saw in watchdog, it looks like a kernal bug on EL 6 machines using EXT 4, which requires either upgrade to RHEL7 or to use XFS instead of EXT4. And would you mind sharing the master log when you see the slowness (from the symptom you described, one possiblity could be KUDU-2264)? Thanks! Best, Hao
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01:55 PM
Hi Rajesh, Would you please be more specific about what are the error log you saw? Thanks! Best, Hao
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