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Title | Views | Posted |
2983 | 03-17-2017 03:52 AM | |
8395 | 03-10-2017 03:45 AM |
03:52 AM
UPDATE: I've finally solved this issue. Hive wasn't able to create the tables itself, so I just created them manually. In order to achieve this, I checked my Hive version ("hiveserver2 --version") and I downloaded the sql script (hive-schema-1.1.0.postgres.sql and hive-txn-schema-0.13.0.postgres.sql) from this repo. After I connected to my db, I executed: "/i hive-schema-1.1.0.postgres.sql". This fixed the issue.
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02:36 AM
UPDATE: 2017-03-17 10:28:22,776 ERROR 443671474@scm-web-5:com.cloudera.cmf.service.hive.HiveMetastoreServerCommands: Unable to generate configuration for command HiveUpgradeMetastore
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02:13 AM
This is the only output I can get (there isn't any log because Hive could not be installed):
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Cloudera Manager
03:45 AM
Hi everyone, I finally have solved this. After re-installing a few times Cloudera Manager Server using Path A, I have tried with Path B and it works after resolving another issues.
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12:58 AM
Hi @bgooley, I use "psql", here it is the result: [root@servidor ~]# psql -h localhost -p 7432 -U scm -d scm
Password for user scm:
psql (9.2.18)
Type "help" for help.
scm=> I also tried to restart the services in all the possible ways.
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06:46 AM
Hello gvd07, thank you for answering. I've checked it and I've not found anything strange. Here is my # Auto-generated by
# 20170306-122252
# These are database settings for CM Manager
I've tried to connect to the db using psql, so the db must be accessible.
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04:13 AM
Hi, I achieved to install Cloudera Manager and CDH fully functional but I couldn't restart it. The server starts successfully with the service command, but if I check the port and services in my machine, there isn't any 7180 (web administration) or 7182 (agent communication) port. So checking /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log I found these errors. I've checked iptables configuration and it's everything OK, thanks.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
09:48 AM
Hi, I'm following this tutorial in order to install Cloudera Manager and CDH. The installation ends correctly, but I can't access to http://localhost:7180. Checking if the service has started: [root@localhost cloudera]# service cloudera-scm-server status
/etc/init.d/cloudera-scm-server: line 109: pstree: command not found
cloudera-scm-server.service - LSB: Cloudera SCM Server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/cloudera-scm-server)
Active: active (exited) since Thu 2017-03-02 12:27:41 EST; 5min ago
Process: 2716 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/cloudera-scm-server start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Mar 02 12:27:36 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Cloudera SCM Server...
Mar 02 12:27:36 localhost.localdomain cloudera-scm-server[2716]: /etc/rc.d/init.d/cloudera-scm-server: line 10...nd
Mar 02 12:27:36 localhost.localdomain su[2738]: (to cloudera-scm) root on none
Mar 02 12:27:41 localhost.localdomain cloudera-scm-server[2716]: Starting cloudera-scm-server: [ OK ]
Mar 02 12:27:41 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started LSB: Cloudera SCM Server.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
[root@localhost cloudera]# I get the following errors every 15 seconds in /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log: 2017-03-02 12:36:57,478 ERROR ScmActive-0:com.cloudera.server.cmf.components.ScmActive: ScmActive: Unable to retrieve non-local non-loopback IP address. Seeing address: localhost.localdomain/
2017-03-02 12:36:57,478 ERROR ScmActive-0:com.cloudera.server.cmf.components.ScmActive: ScmActive failed. Bootup = false
2017-03-02 12:36:57,478 ERROR ScmActive-0:com.cloudera.server.cmf.components.ScmActive: ScmActive was not able to access CM identity to validate it.
2017-03-02 12:36:57,478 ERROR ScmActive-0:com.cloudera.server.cmf.components.ScmActive: ScmActive is deferring the validation to the next run in 15 seconds.
2017-03-02 12:36:57,479 WARN ScmActive-0:com.cloudera.enterprise.AbstractWrappedEntityManager: Rolling back transaction that wasn't marked for rollback-only.
java.lang.Exception: Non-thrown exception for stack trace.
at com.cloudera.enterprise.AbstractWrappedEntityManager.close(
at com.cloudera.cmf.persist.CmfEntityManager.close(
at com.cloudera.server.cmf.components.ScmActive.markScmActive(
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at I get response if I execute locally: [root@localhost cloudera]# curl localhost:7180
[root@localhost cloudera]#
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager