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02:31 PM
So after messing around it seems the correct way to do this, or at least the way I figured out how to do this, is to obtain the codec via the CompressionCodecFactory and invoking the method getCodecByClassName("").
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04:33 PM
I was reading that Bzip2 is a good compression format to use since it is splittable so i was trying to write a basic java program to take in a .txt file and write it to Hdfs compressed using bzip2. Here is my program: But I am getting this stack trace when I run:(First arg is location of file, second is where to put compressed file in Hdfs, and the last arg is a boolean saying to compress) I checked the io.compression.codecs property in core-site.xml and that doesn't seem to have bzip2 listed: I tried adding it via the configuration.set() method in my java program but that did not work. I also tried setting the io.native.lib.available property through configuration.set to false and that did not work. Does Hdp Sandbox not come with bzip2? Thanks for the help.
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Apache Hadoop
04:17 PM
Okay, that makes sense. And I just checked and on my mac I was actually doing the command: hadoop com/thomp/io/FileSystemCat /HadoopPrac/Data/sample.txt which also worked. Thanks again!
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02:34 AM
So the above works if I do: hadoop com/thomp/io/FileSystemCat hdfs:// or if I do hadoop com/thomp/io/FileSystemCat hdfs:// Why is that? I set up hdp 2.6 sandbox on my mac and it works when I just do localhost. Why wouldn't it be the same thing since it is the same install? Here is a screen shot of the /etc/hosts file on the vm:
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12:15 AM
Hopefully someone can help me figure out what is going on. I downloaded Hdp 2.6 for virtualbox and followed the instructions to install and set up. I am running it on Linux Mint 18. I am following along in the 'Hadoop the Definitive Guide' book and I am trying to run one of the examples. Here is the code I wrote from the book: I set up my /etc/hosts like this, just following the instructions in the 'Learning the Ropes' tutorial. Following the book I do the following but I am getting a connection refused error. Is something not setup correctly? Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated. I was up super late last night trying to figure this out with no luck.
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Apache Hadoop
10:43 PM
@Mike Riggs Thanks Mike for the tip. I guess all the references to VM I'll just kind of ignore and translate to me running on docker locally. Thanks all. I'll take a look see tomorrow or so and hopefully all is well.
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04:20 PM
@glupu, I think it is ok. I haven't done much with it since seeing the Amabri log in screen so I don't really know. I actually am not sure what to do. I was hoping there was a tutorial that showed me what to do next so I can start working with HDP and getting to learn it and Hadoop
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01:19 PM
@Rafael Coss, yes I turned off the pop-up blocker. I thought that was it too. @Jay SenSharma, I pretty much just copy and pasted the docker run command and I believe it exposed port 8080 @glupu, yes I am running the docker sandbox from my mac which is using docker for mac. I pretty much just followed the instructions from the link I posted above. I ran the 'docker run ...' command and then did a ssh -p 2222 root@localhost. I changed my password from 'hadoop' to my own and then ran /etc/init.d/startup_script start but after going to localhost:8888 the dashboard wouldn't launch. So yesterday I ran 'service ambari-server status' and it said it wasn't running but gave a message about a 'Stale PID File at: /var/run/ambari-server/'. So I ran 'service ambari-server start' and again 'service ambari-server status' showed the same thing even tough the 'ambar-server start' command said it completed successfully. Finally I ran 'service ambari-server restart' and then it was running and I can get to the dashboard. Why was that? And am I supposed to run the docker image of the sandbox this way? I noticed @jay had something which said 'Hortonworks Docker Sandbox' listed in his VirtualBox. I thought having a docker image was so that you didn't need a VM. So now I'm a bit confused on how I should be using the docker image of the sandbox. . . thanks, I appreciate the help!
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03:27 PM
I just followed the instructions at link to start using the docker image of the sandbox. When I go to localhost:8888 I click on the 'Launch Dashboard' button but this is what I get: So I get a tutorial page but the whole 'localhost didn't send any data' thing seems wrong. Not sure if it is related but when I ran the startup_script I get this WARNING for Starting Ranger-admin: Does this look okay? And then lastly just to make sure this is ok, when I ran the " docker load < HDP_2.5_docker.tar" command, my output is different and smaller in size than what is shown in the link above. Here is what I get: And here is what the link has as output: Sorry for all the pics and info but just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything to help figure out why things seem to not be working. Thanks!
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