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1546 | 07-31-2017 07:46 AM | |
15973 | 07-26-2017 04:40 AM | |
12758 | 06-27-2017 04:46 AM |
07:46 AM
when stoping name node on node 4 getting the error : llegalArgumentException: error 400
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07:42 AM
Hi , I have tested Cloudera 5.11 High avaliability active passive with 2 name nodes and noticed that when name node or standby node machines are down the HDFS is not available. Do I miss anything ? Thanks Alon
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- Labels:
02:21 AM
Hi , Idle session works indeed . I have set it to 1 hour but can not wait 1 hour untill killed queries will be dead . Work arround that I found is disconnecting from the session after query has been cancelled in the UI . It should work better . Thanks Alon
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05:48 AM
Hi , We use SQLDX tom cancel query . When we cancel the query it apears in impalad as waiting to be closed for ages taking resources from the system . After changing the parameter idle_query_timeout to 2 minutes , I expected that the canceled query will be canceled after 2 minutes . and its not . How it can be sloved . canceling query from the query monitor does not work at all . Note we are using HAPROXY and LDAP to connect to Impala . Please your help . Thanks Alon
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
04:40 AM
2 Kudos
Solved the problem by reinstalling thrift and impyla with the following versions: as root : pip uninstall thrift pip uninstall impyla pip install thrift==0.9.3 pip install impyla==0.13.8 Regards Alon
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04:29 AM
Hi , using Ubuntu 14.0.4 and 16.0.4 unable to work with Impala via Python . Installed : pip install impyla apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev pip install thrift_sasl pip install sasl thrift version install : thrift (0.10.0) thrift-sasl (0.2.1) impyla (0.14.0) The Example Code ------------------------------ from impala.dbapi import connect conn = connect(host="", port="25003", user="user", password='pass', auth_mechanism='PLAIN') print "Connected Successfully" cur = conn.cursor() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/alon/PycharmProjects/test/", line 6, in <module> cur = conn.cursor() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/", line 125, in cursor session = self.service.open_session(user, configuration) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/", line 995, in open_session resp = self._rpc('OpenSession', req) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/", line 923, in _rpc response = self._execute(func_name, request) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/", line 940, in _execute return func(request) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/_thrift_gen/TCLIService/", line 175, in OpenSession return self.recv_OpenSession() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/_thrift_gen/TCLIService/", line 193, in recv_OpenSession File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/impala/_thrift_gen/TCLIService/", line 1109, in read fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)) AttributeError: 'TSaslClientTransport' object has no attribute 'trans' dont know what is going wrong here . Thanks Alon
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
08:03 AM
1 Kudo
You can do this as well it should solve the problem : Add the following to /usr/lib/cmf/service/impala/, right above "set impala configuration directory": export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xss2m" and the same export variable to /etc/profile as well as /etc/bash.bashrc
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04:46 AM
Thanks a lot Tim . It sloved the problem . Downgraged ubuntu to 4.4.0-38-generic and impala run successfully .
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10:30 PM
Thanks .But there is nothing there . ****************************************************Log file created at: 2017/06/26 05:25:51 Running on machine: gc-dp-pdpint-data-02 Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg I0626 05:25:51.308739 26469] stdout will be logged to this file. E0626 05:25:51.308979 26469] stderr will be logged to this file. I0626 05:25:51.309459 26469] Setting minidump size limit to 20971520. I0626 05:25:51.309499 26469] vendor GenuineIntel family 6 model 15 sse2 1 cmpxchg16b 1 I0626 05:25:51.319569 26469] Using LDAP authentication with server ldap:// W0626 05:25:51.319586 26469] LDAP authentication is being used, but without TLS. ALL PASSWORDS WILL GO OVER THE NETWORK IN THE CLEAR. I0626 05:25:51.319600 26469] Internal communication is not authenticated I0626 05:25:51.319603 26469] External communication is authenticated with LDAP I0626 05:25:51.321149 26469] impalad version 2.8.0-cdh5.11.0 RELEASE (build e09660de6b503a15f07e84b99b63e8e745854c34) Built on Wed Apr 5 19:51:24 PDT 2017 I0626 05:25:51.321161 26469] Using hostname: I0626 05:25:51.321844 26469] Flags (see also /varz are on debug webserver): --catalog_service_port=26000 --initial_hms_cnxn_timeout_s=120 --load_catalog_in_background=false --num_metadata_loading_threads=16 --sentry_config= --asm_module_dir= --disable_optimization_passes=false --dump_ir=false --opt_module_dir= --perf_map=false --print_llvm_ir_instruction_count=false --unopt_module_dir= --abort_on_config_error=true --be_port=22000 --be_principal= --compact_catalog_topic=false --disable_kudu=false --disable_mem_pools=false --enable_accept_queue_server=true --enable_process_lifetime_heap_profiling=false --heap_profile_dir= --inc_stats_size_limit_bytes=2147483648 --keytab_file= --krb5_conf= --krb5_debug_file= --kudu_operation_timeout_ms=180000 --load_auth_to_local_rules=false --max_minidumps=9 --mem_limit=53687091200 --minidump_path=/var/log/impala-minidumps/impalad --minidump_size_limit_hint_kb=20480 --principal= --redaction_rules_file= --max_log_files=10 --pause_monitor_sleep_time_ms=500 --pause_monitor_warn_threshold_ms=10000 --log_filename=impalad --redirect_stdout_stderr=true --data_source_batch_size=1024 --exchg_node_buffer_size_bytes=10485760 --enable_partitioned_aggregation=true --enable_partitioned_hash_join=true --enable_probe_side_filtering=true --enable_quadratic_probing=true --skip_lzo_version_check=false --parquet_min_filter_reject_ratio=0.10000000000000001 --runtime_filter_wait_time_ms=1000 --suppress_unknown_disk_id_warnings=false --max_row_batches=0 --kudu_max_row_batches=0 --kudu_scanner_keep_alive_period_us=15000000 --kudu_read_mode=READ_LATEST --kudu_scanner_keep_alive_period_sec=15 --pick_only_leaders_for_tests=false --kudu_mutation_buffer_size=10485760 --kudu_sink_mem_required=20971520 --convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps=false --max_page_header_size=8388608 --enable_phj_probe_side_filtering=true --accepted_cnxn_queue_depth=10000 --enable_ldap_auth=true --internal_principals_whitelist=hdfs --kerberos_reinit_interval=60 --ldap_allow_anonymous_binds=false --ldap_baseDN=ou=users,dc=localdomain --ldap_bind_pattern= --ldap_ca_certificate= --ldap_domain= --ldap_manual_config=false --ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok=true --ldap_tls=false --ldap_uri=ldap:// --sasl_path= --rpc_cnxn_attempts=10 --rpc_cnxn_retry_interval_ms=2000 --disk_spill_encryption=false --insert_inherit_permissions=false --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=120000 --max_cached_file_handles=0 --max_free_io_buffers=128 --min_buffer_size=1024 --num_disks=0 --num_remote_hdfs_io_threads=24 --num_s3_io_threads=16 --num_threads_per_disk=0 --read_size=8388608 --backend_client_connection_num_retries=3 --backend_client_rpc_timeout_ms=300000 --catalog_client_connection_num_retries=3 --catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms=0 --cgroup_hierarchy_path= --coordinator_rpc_threads=12 --enable_rm=false --enable_webserver=true --llama_addresses= --llama_callback_port=28000 --llama_host= --llama_max_request_attempts=5 --llama_port=15000 --llama_registration_timeout_secs=30 --llama_registration_wait_secs=3 --num_hdfs_worker_threads=48 --resource_broker_cnxn_attempts=1 --resource_broker_cnxn_retry_interval_ms=3000 --resource_broker_recv_timeout=0 --resource_broker_send_timeout=0 --staging_cgroup=impala_staging --state_store_subscriber_port=23000 --use_statestore=true --s3a_access_key_cmd= --s3a_secret_key_cmd= --local_library_dir=/var/lib/impala/udfs --serialize_batch=false --status_report_interval=5 --max_filter_error_rate=0.75 --num_threads_per_core=3 --use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions=false --scratch_dirs=/plarium/1/impala/impalad,/plarium/2/impala/impalad,/plarium/3/impala/impalad --queue_wait_timeout_ms=60000 --rm_always_use_defaults=false --rm_default_cpu_vcores=2 --rm_default_memory=4G --default_pool_max_queued=200 --default_pool_max_requests=-1 --default_pool_mem_limit= --disable_pool_max_requests=false --disable_pool_mem_limits=false --fair_scheduler_allocation_path=/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/2049-impala-IMPALAD/impala-conf/fair-scheduler.xml --llama_site_path=/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/2049-impala-IMPALAD/impala-conf/llama-site.xml --require_username=false --disable_admission_control=false --log_mem_usage_interval=0 --authorization_policy_file=/user/impala/integration_impala-policy.ini --authorization_policy_provider_class=org.apache.sentry.provider.file.LocalGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider --authorized_proxy_user_config= --authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter=, --kudu_master_hosts= --server_name=server1 --abort_on_failed_audit_event=true --abort_on_failed_lineage_event=true --audit_event_log_dir= --be_service_threads=64 --beeswax_port=21000 --cancellation_thread_pool_size=5 --default_query_options= --fe_service_threads=64 --hs2_port=21050 --idle_query_timeout=3600 --idle_session_timeout=86400 --lineage_event_log_dir=/var/log/impalad/lineage --local_nodemanager_url= --log_query_to_file=true --max_audit_event_log_file_size=5000 --max_lineage_log_file_size=5000 --max_profile_log_file_size=5000 --max_profile_log_files=10 --max_result_cache_size=100000 --profile_log_dir= --query_log_size=25 --ssl_client_ca_certificate= --ssl_private_key=BUNDLE-REDACTED 05:25:51.321954 26469] Cpu Info: Model: Intel(R) Xeon(R)
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05:05 AM
Hi , 3 days ago I started to test hadoop cloudera HA over CDH 5.11 using 4 nodes 8GB ram , 4 cores (google compute engines) All nodes where defined as data nodes . During these tests I have restarted nodes . After a while there there was 1 node which did not succeed to start the impala services than 2 and at last all of them . No matter I restarted the Impala services or restarted one instance . The service did not succeed to run with no informative error message in impala logs files and agent logs . cloudera-scm-server log: 2017-06-22 11:50:26,011 INFO CommandPusher:com.cloudera.cmf.service.GenericBringUpRoleCommand: BringUp command (119) has finished on service impala for role 61/impala-IMPALAD-9cfb5b1ab405f5aa4093cb4531cd05dd, with status FAILURE and message MessageWithArgs{messageId=message.command.role.bringUp.supervisor.fatal, args=[]} cloudera-scm-agent log - nothing significant. I have deleted the service and created it once again . Did solve the problem. Deleted the services restarted all machined - again did not help . I have Uninstalled cloudera in all machined using this link restarted all machined and created the cluster once again it failed on creating the impala services . All other services are working with no issues (HDFS, YARN,ZOOKEEPER,OOZIE) What is going on ? Do I miss something ? I have QA ENV with failed impala instance with no remedy . I'm afraid to have this problem in production. Appreciate your help . Many thanks Alon
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- Labels:
Apache Impala