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08:05 AM
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David, The "bootstrap" and "bootstrap-remote" commands are completely different. The "bootstrap" command will create a deployment and cluster without a Director server, storing the models in a local database file. There is no way to re-use these models across multiple "bootstrap" commands. "bootstrap-remote" submits the deployment and cluster to a Director server and the models will be stored in the Director server database. See Cloudera Director Interfaces for more information about the distinction between the CLI and the Stand-alone Client. You can modify your workflow in the following manner: Please use the bootstrap-remote command in your step 1. In step 2, you can terminate the cluster in the Director UI. This will leave CM running. The existing CM will be re-used if you re-run bootstrap-remote with the same conf file or a different conf file that specifies the same "environmentName" and "deploymentName".
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