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05:32 AM
thank you for your answer! I know that i can cover sql/impala through hue and r+python+spark with workbench, but i dont like the approach. Most of the time we use sql(impala/hive) for our quick data analysis and then we we go to python/spark to go deeper or dev/test our etl/elt parts. When everything is fine we put the tested lines our dev ide (intellij+sbt...testing) and and deploy it. So Zeppelin is a bit more en extention of hour ide dev process in one tool. I know that the dev approach "should" be different when using the workbench but thats how our process is. Zeppelin/jupyter solves it all in one for us. ("Blue elephant guys" should be funny for "Cloudera Users" compared to the green elephant used by Hortonworks)
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02:19 AM
Hi there, working on a CDH 5.11 (ADS/LDAP,Kerberos,Sentry enabled) Cluster. Now we are evaluation a Notebooksolution. Workbench (sadly ) does not support the same sql+spark+impala+hive features so we need to take a look beside. Hue seems to be stop improving the notebook feature so this is out. Jupyter seems to have everything but using one instance per user is a bit ... i dont like this approavh. Zeppelin looks nice but im not sure how good it works together with CDH because the support seems to be poor. I managed to connect zeppelin<->ads but now im facing the Kerberos stuff. Is it possible that each zeppelin step uses and manages the kerberos tokens of the user logged in, or do i have to provide one "technical principal" which zeppelin uses. Besides that question Hortonworks fully supports Zeppelin. What is Clouderas answer? What notebook should we (blue elefant guys) use? Workbench is a good one but does not cover all what zeppelin does and seems to point a bit different clients/peaple. Thanks and BR
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Cloudera Hue