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7143 | 04-19-2018 08:55 AM |
08:55 AM
2 Kudos
I had to reset the Navigator metadata server and followed the steps below: 1) Stop Navigator Metadata Server from CM 2) Take a back up of Navigator Metadata Server Storage Dir (if you want to archive the old data) 3) mv <storage_dir> < new_location> 4) Back up your navms database 5) In NMS database run: "DELETE FROM NAV_UPGRADE_ORDINAL;" "INSERT INTO NAV_UPGRADE_ORDINAL VALUES (-1, -1);" 6) Start Navigator Metadata Server this will delete all metadata, custom data added in the Navigator UI but does not affect the Audit logs visible under Navigator UI -> Audits.
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05:39 AM
Hi @mlussana1, I have configured Kafka(2.2.0) with Sentry enabled in Kerberized environment and be able to use it as channel for Flume in CDH 5.13. First of all did you add the kafka to the Allowed Connecting Users(sentry.service.allow.connect) in sentry configuration?And in order to give privilege your user must be in one of the sentry admin groups which are listed in Admin Groups( configuration.Those may cause the sentry shell problem. For the producer problem ,I am not sure but you may modify the jass.conf file as follows: KafkaClient { required useKeyTab=false useTicketCache=true serviceName="kafka" principal=""; }; Client { required useKeyTab=false useTicketCache=true serviceName="zookeeper" principal=""; }; And I run the consumer and producer from command line as follows: kafka-console-consumer --topic topicname --from-beginning --bootstrap-server brokerhostname:9092 --consumer.config kafka-console-producer --broker-list [brokers]:9092 --topic topicname --producer.config I hope these would help.
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04:41 AM
Hi @bgooley , (1)rpm -qa | grep cloudera gives the following output: cloudera-manager-agent-5.13.1-1.cm5131.p0.2.el7.x86_64 cloudera-manager-daemons-5.13.1-1.cm5131.p0.2.el7.x86_64 cloudera-manager-server-5.13.1-1.cm5131.p0.2.el7.x86_64 (2)And the query result is: ordinal | old_ordinal ---------+------------- 26 | 26 Thanks
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04:25 AM
Hi, can you find a solution for this issue? Thanks
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