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12:16 AM
Hi, i´m trying to use sqoop via hue, but i keep getting this error: 2018-01-18 08:31:52,353 [main] WARN - Aborting use of local MetaStore. Allow local MetaStore by setting kite.hive.allow-local-metastore=true in HiveConf
2018-01-18 08:31:52,353 [main] ERROR org.apache.sqoop.tool.ImportTool - Import failed: Missing Hive MetaStore connection URI Its not the same but seems to be quite similar. The cluster is useing HA for Hive metastore. I tried to set the Hive metastore uri like this: import -Dhive.metastore.uris=thrift:// -Dkite.hive.allow-local-metastore=true --connect jdbc:exa:;schema=sks_dp_steuerung --driver com.exasol.jdbc.EXADriver --username sys --password exasol --table dbo_institutspartitionen --hive-import --as-parquetfile --hive-table DBO_INSTITUTSPARTITIONEN --hive-database SKS_DP_STEUERUNG -m 1 but it makes no difference. The Exception tells to set kite.hive.allow-local-metastore=true I tried this via -Dkite.hive.allow-local-metastore=true I have no idea whether this would be the right way to do this. Is there something i might have missed? Or is this really a completely different error?
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02:04 AM
Hi, I´m facing a simal problem. I want to import data into Parquetfiles using sqoop. I want to let Sqoop create the table, so it´s not bound to a preexisting one. The goal is to represent each column in the same datatyp it is in my RDBMS. The --map-column-hive seems to work fine for textfiles but not for Parquets. That´s what i understand so far. It was mentioned that -map-column-java works with parquetfiles, but unfortunately it does not work with all datatypes. e.g. ERROR tool.ImportTool: Imported Failed: No ResultSet method for Java type TIMESTAMP I want to import a Timestamp as Timestamp and DECIMALS as DECIMAL, not a string or bigint. I can´t get this to work, because -map-column-java doesn´t notice timestamp to be a compatible datatype Do i understand right, that there is currently no way to achieve this except for changing the fileformat to text or sequencefile?
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