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09:08 PM
Hi @dmharshit As you know, Cloudera provides the Hybrid data platform, so you can install the CDP product in on-premises and public cloud or both. CDP Private Cloud Base product is supported only for On-Premises cluster. CDP Public Cloud Base product is supported for public cloud like AWS, Azure, GCP. @fzsombor already shared references how you can install CDP Private cloud and how to install Spark3 as well. Please let me know still you need any further information.
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08:59 PM
Hi @Camilo When you are sharing the exception you need to share more details. So it will help us to provide a solution in faster way. 1. How are you launching the spark job? 2. If you built application using maven or sbt built tool have you specified spark-hive.jar version. For example, <!-- -->
</dependency> References: 1. 2.
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08:13 AM
A bit late to the party, but hope the following will help. By calling the main functions of the classes, UnixUserGroupBuilder, PolicyMgrUserGroupBuilder or LdapUserGroupBuilder is not going to work, since the main classes of these are only initializing the classes. In order to start the actual sync, the function updateSink needs to be called. During startup this is handled by the class org.apache.ranger.usergroupsync.UserGroupSync thus, calling its main function will trigger the syncing using the configuration that you set in your cluster. A complete example for triggering the usersync manually could be: java -Dlogdir=/var/log/ranger/usersync -cp "/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/dist/unixusersync-*:/etc/ranger/usersync/conf" org.apache.ranger.usergroupsync.UserGroupSync for HDP and java -Dlogdir=/var/log/ranger/usersync -cp "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/ranger-usersync/dist/unixusersync-*:/etc/ranger/usersync/conf" org.apache.ranger.usergroupsync.UserGroupSync for CDP.
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