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8498 | 02-12-2018 08:24 AM |
08:24 AM
1 Kudo
I should have used the following code. This specifies the correct directory that Hadoop understands. data = LOAD '/user/cloudera/midsummer.txt' as (text:CHARARRAY); upper_case = FOREACH data GENERATE UPPER(text); STORE upper_case INTO '/user/cloudera/midsummerOutput2';
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07:51 AM
Looks like these cloudera community help requests go into a black hole!!. I was able to find a solution myself. The following script works and was good enough for this trail. It appears that specifiying the directory paths in the pig script was the problem. I put all the scripts in my local directory and also told pig/hadoop to create to create the output directory under the current working directory. data = LOAD 'midsummer.txt' as (text:CHARARRAY); upper_case = FOREACH data GENERATE UPPER(text); STORE upper_case INTO 'midsummerOutput';
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04:11 PM
Update:- After some testing with a small data set. The following works (without the STORE clause):- data = LOAD '/home/cloudera/smallfile.txt' as (text:CHARARRAY); upper_case = FOREACH data GENERATE UPPER(text); But once we add the STORE or the DUMP clause at the end of the script is when those errors are thrown. It is probably pointing to some permission issues between HUE and HDFS in the "reduce" process I guess. I was hoping the cloudera quick start VM will work out of the box. Calling on the cloudera experts to help!! Please point me to any knowledge base or workarounds to avoid this problem.
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09:09 AM
We would like to consider cloudera for development and ultimate commercial use if I can get over these initial hurdles. Just to add - I just want to run a simple pig script using the HUE editor on a newly installed cloudera quickstart VM. - Should I login into HUE as cloudera? - Any other additonal configuration or software needs to be upgraded?
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08:03 AM
I am new to hdfs/pig and need quick help. I just installed the cloudera quickstart VM using VMWare.
On running this script(the upper text sample) -
data = LOAD '/home/cloudera/midsummer.txt' as (text:CHARARRAY); upper_case = FOREACH data GENERATE org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.UPPER(text); STORE upper_case INTO '/home/cloudera/midsummer2.txt';
It takes 3 to 4 minutes and runs the map part and does not do the reduce. I see the following error on the job workflow page:-
Cannot access: /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/hue-oozie-1452553957.19/${wf:appPath()}/pig-b118.pig/. Note: you are a Hue admin but not a HDFS superuser, "hdfs" or part of HDFS supergroup, "supergroup".
InvalidPathException: Invalid path name Invalid file name: /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/hue-oozie-1452553957.19/${wf:appPath()}/pig-b118.pig (error 400)
I logged on to Hue using the cloudera user and on seeing this error also gave hadoop group to cloudera as well. From Oozie I see the error - JA0189 - Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.PigMain], exit code [2]
Your help will be appreciated.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Hue
Quickstart VM