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08:57 AM
Thank you very much. It doesn't work with lp.bootstrap.packages.cmJavaPackages[0]: ".*=oracle-j2sdk1.8" as a property, I have this error in the logs when I try to use the CLI : org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'lp.bootstrap.packages-com.cloudera.launchpad.bootstrap.PackageIndex$ConfigProperties': Could not bind properties to PackageIndex.ConfigProperties (prefix=lp.bootstrap.packages, ignoreInvalidFields=false, ignoreUnknownFields=true, ignoreNestedProperties=false); nested exception is java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException So I put again lp.bootstrap.packages.cmJavaPackages: .*=oracle-j2sdk1.8 as property and it works fine. I misunderstood the Auto Strategy, maybe the documentation isn't very clear about it. I thought that this strategy forced Manager to deploy Java 8 on the cluster instances. It's ok with the Director_Managed Strategy, I have just Java 8 on my instances Thanks a lot !
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02:37 AM
Hello, I have a problem when I try to deploy a cluster with Java 8 through Cloudera Director, with the 2.7.0 version running on AWS EC2. I tried to follow the documentation, but I got some issues : - cmJavaPackages and defaultCmJavaPackage properties are missing in the file. Instead, there is a property named lp.bootstrap.packages.javaPackage. Here is what I put in order to have Java 8: lp.bootstrap.packages.javaPackage: oracle-j2sdk1.8 lp.bootstrap.packages.cmJavaPackages: .*=oracle-j2sdk1.8 lp.bootstrap.packages.defaultCmJavaPackage: oracle-j2sdk1.8 - Then, when I create a Cloudera Manager instance with the Director UI (with adding the Cloudera Director yum repo in the instance bootstraping), I have both Java 7 and Java 8 JDKs installed on the instance ls /usr/java jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera jdk1.8.0_121-cloudera
- Finally, when I launch a cluster (so with the AUTO JDK Installation Strategy), I only have Java 7 JDK on my instances.
I use the last RHEL AMI (RHEL-7.4_HVM-20180103-x86_64-2-Hourly2-GP2 (ami-194cdc76)) on my instances, and this bootstrap script :
sudo yum install --assumeyes wget cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ sudo wget ""
Can you help me ? Did I miss something important in the configuration ?
Thanks a lot
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Cloudera Manager