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07:49 AM
Can anyone please look at my last post (configs) and let me know if I missed anything else? Thanks. I need to stop using both of my accounts.
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10:29 PM
Problem is due to python version you have in your node. incompatibility between the Python 3 version and the Python 2 version. The default Solr commands use the python2 version, so here we need to remove the Python global environment variables, not the python3 global environment variables. Thanks & Regards, J.Ganesh Kumar.
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10:20 PM
I am having the same problem. Can you please expain about 'hosts file' and how can i add IP and hostname? Are we still using IP and hostname of Namenode?
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05:59 AM
Hi , I want to install cdh5.15.1 hadoop client on my Ubuntu 16.04 host. I have added the repo url in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudera.list file. How can I specify a particular hadoop-client version in apt-get command. I thought apt-get install hadoop-client=< version > should work. But I am unable to figure out the version number. Here is the link for repo Thanks 🙂
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05:57 PM
Unfortunately there is no support for storing data on ADLS at this time. Regarding backup and restore, we are in the process of designing a backup solution into Kudu, however there is no ETA at this time for when it will be ready to use. You can follow the progress at
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02:27 AM
1 Kudo
You are using sqoop1. Sqoop1 is not a service, it is a tool, that submits the job to YARN. So, apart from your stdout and YARN logs, there are no sqoop logs. Number of mappers (-m 4) means that your job will open 4 connections to your database. If there is no indication in logs about out of memory or illegal value on a column (I mean yarn logs), then you should check that your DB can accept 4 concurrent connections.
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12:03 PM
Hi AKB, Assuming you're asking about Impala, you can find the exact syntax for creating tables with compressed/encoded columns in the CREATE TABLE reference, and the syntax for altering tables to add compression/encodings in the ALTER TABLE reference.
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06:26 AM
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kudu_db.fact_patientencounter_kudu; CREATE TABLE kudu_db.fact_patientencounter_kudu PRIMARY KEY (pk_patientencounterid, fk_agencyid) PARTITION BY HASH(fk_agencyid) PARTITIONS 3 STORED AS KUDU AS SELECT pk_patientencounterid, fk_agencyid FROM default.fact_patientencounter The above does work. Thanks for the quick replies on this.
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