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11:22 AM
I would like to create a Hive view that would would include a dynamic variable that would give different output depending on what was done using the set command The following doesn't work. create view default.view_mikeg_test as select * from prod_integration.dim_company where company_code = ${hiveconf:company_code}; This produces an error and will only work if I set the variable company_code first (i.e. set company_code = '7777') and then that value gets imbedded into the view. That's not what I want. I have tried to use single and double quotes around ${hiveconf:company_code} as suggested in other forums. There has to be a simple solution to this.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
05:07 AM
1 Kudo
"where coalesce(company_name, aais_company_number) is not null" produces the same result because aais_company_number is never null so I still get all the records. We are using Hue 3.10 and I don't know which version of Impala comes with that. I just started working in this environment recently.
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05:05 AM
create or replace view data_call.view_comp_stat_by_qtr as select q.full_quarter, q.reporting_deadline, cc.aais_company_number, as company_name, l.lob_name_short as LOB, l.lob_code as line_code, q.quarter_id, q.year, --min(t.src_created_date) as rpt_dt, --Changed to max to account for finishing instead of just starting - mikeg max(t.src_created_date) as rpt_dt, sum(t.written_premium) as written_premium, sum(t.record_count) as record_count, t.transmittal_status_name as trans_status, nvl(qtrs.quarters, 0) as quarters_reported, sum(coalesce(t.paid_loss,0)) as paid_loss, sum(coalesce(t.outstanding_loss,0)) as outstanding_loss, sum(coalesce(t.paid_claim_count,0)) as paid_claim_count, sum(coalesce(t.outstanding_claim_count,0)) as outstanding_claim_count, sum(coalesce(t.paid_lae,0)) as paid_lae, sum(coalesce(t.outstanding_lae,0)) as outstanding_lae from data_call.view_sdma_quarters q cross join (select distinct company_code as aais_company_number, company_id from prod_integration.dim_company where is_active = 'Y') cc left join (select t1.* from prod_integration.dim_transmittal t1 where t1.transmittal_status_name in ('AAIS Accepted', 'AAIS Acknowledged')) t on t.year = q.year and t.quarter_name = q.quarter_name and t.aais_company_number = cc.aais_company_number left join (select * from prod_integration.dim_company where is_active = 'Y') c on t.aais_company_number = c.company_code and c.company_code = cc.aais_company_number left join prod_integration.dim_lob l on t.lob_number = l.lob_code left join (select aais_company_number as company_id, year, lob_number as line_id, count(distinct quarter_name) as quarters from prod_integration.dim_transmittal group by aais_company_number, year, lob_number) qtrs on qtrs.company_id = c.company_code and qtrs.year = t.year and qtrs.line_id = l.lob_code group by q.full_quarter, q.reporting_deadline, cc.aais_company_number,, l.lob_name_short, l.lob_code, q.quarter_id, q.year, t.transmittal_status_name, nvl(qtrs.quarters, 0); Explain plan for select * from data_call.view_comp_stat_by_qtr where company_name is not null; Estimated Per-Host Requirements: Memory=288.00MB VCores=4 WARNING: The following tables are missing relevant table and/or column statistics. prod_integration.dim_company, prod_integration.dim_lob, prod_integration.dim_transmittal 17:AGGREGATE [FINALIZE] | output: max(t1.src_created_date), sum(t1.written_premium), sum(t1.record_count), sum(coalesce(t1.paid_loss, 0)), sum(coalesce(t1.outstanding_loss, 0)), sum(coalesce(t1.paid_claim_count, 0)), sum(coalesce(t1.outstanding_claim_count, 0)), sum(coalesce(t1.paid_lae, 0)), sum(coalesce(t1.outstanding_lae, 0)) | group by: concat(CAST(t.year AS STRING), '-', t.quarter_name), date_add(to_date(date_sub(add_months(concat(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(concat(CAST(t.year AS STRING), '-', (CASE WHEN = 1 THEN '03' WHEN = 2 THEN '06' WHEN = 3 THEN '09' ELSE '12' END), '-01'), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM'), '-01'), 1), 1)), 60), dim_company.company_code,, l.lob_name_short, l.lob_code,, t.year, t1.transmittal_status_name, nvl(count(dim_transmittal.quarter_name), 0) | 16:HASH JOIN [LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST] | hash predicates: t1.year = dim_transmittal.year, dim_company.company_code = dim_transmittal.aais_company_number, l.lob_code = dim_transmittal.lob_number | |--27:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 11:AGGREGATE [FINALIZE] | | output: count(dim_transmittal.quarter_name) | | group by: dim_transmittal.aais_company_number, dim_transmittal.year, dim_transmittal.lob_number | | | 26:AGGREGATE | | group by: dim_transmittal.aais_company_number, dim_transmittal.year, dim_transmittal.lob_number, dim_transmittal.quarter_name | | | 25:EXCHANGE [HASH(dim_transmittal.aais_company_number,dim_transmittal.year,dim_transmittal.lob_number)] | | | 10:AGGREGATE [STREAMING] | | group by: dim_transmittal.aais_company_number, dim_transmittal.year, dim_transmittal.lob_number, dim_transmittal.quarter_name | | | 09:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_transmittal] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=4.52MB | 15:HASH JOIN [LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST] | hash predicates: t1.lob_number = l.lob_code | |--24:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 08:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_lob l] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=1.62KB | 14:HASH JOIN [LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST] | hash predicates: t1.aais_company_number = dim_company.company_code, dim_company.company_code = dim_company.company_code | |--23:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 07:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_company] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=356.82KB | predicates: IS NOT NULL, dim_company.is_active = 'Y' | 13:HASH JOIN [LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST] | hash predicates: t.year = t1.year, t.quarter_name = t1.quarter_name, dim_company.company_code = t1.aais_company_number | |--22:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 06:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_transmittal t1] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=4.52MB | predicates: t1.transmittal_status_name IN ('AAIS Accepted', 'AAIS Acknowledged') | 12:NESTED LOOP JOIN [CROSS JOIN, BROADCAST] | |--21:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 20:AGGREGATE [FINALIZE] | | group by: dim_company.company_code, dim_company.company_id | | | 19:EXCHANGE [HASH(dim_company.company_code,dim_company.company_id)] | | | 05:AGGREGATE [STREAMING] | | group by: dim_company.company_code, dim_company.company_id | | | 04:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_company] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=356.82KB | predicates: dim_company.is_active = 'Y' | 03:AGGREGATE [FINALIZE] | group by: t.year, id, t.quarter_name, concat(CAST(t.year AS STRING), '-', t.quarter_name), date_add(to_date(date_sub(add_months(concat(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(concat(CAST(t.year AS STRING), '-', (CASE WHEN id = 1 THEN '03' WHEN id = 2 THEN '06' WHEN id = 3 THEN '09' ELSE '12' END), '-01'), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM'), '-01'), 1), 1)), 60), to_date(concat(CAST(t.year AS STRING), '-', (CASE WHEN id = 1 THEN '03' WHEN id = 2 THEN '06' WHEN id = 3 THEN '09' ELSE '12' END), '-01')) | 02:HASH JOIN [INNER JOIN, BROADCAST] | hash predicates: name = t.quarter_name | |--18:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | 00:SCAN HDFS [prod_integration.dim_transmittal t] | partitions=1/1 files=1 size=4.52MB | 01:UNION constant-operands=4
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06:25 AM
Do you want to see the SQL code that created the view? Do you want an expain plan for that or the simple select * from view_name where column_name is not null?
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11:51 AM
For this simple query of a view, select * from view_name where column_name is not null; it is returning all records from the view (null and not null) in Impala. The condition is being ignored. Is there a work around for this? I've tried coalesce and nullif tricks and it still doesn't work and I still get all records from the view. The view was created using Hive. Does that make a difference? I don't have this problem when working with tables in Impala.
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- Labels:
Apache Impala