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04:10 AM
@bhaveshsharma03 In fact there is no standard answer for this question as it is purly based on your business model, cluster size, sqoop export/import frequency, data volume, hardware capacity, etc I can give few points based my experience, hope it may help you 1. 75% of the sqoop scripts (non-priority) will use the default mappers for various reasons as we don't want to use all the available resources for just sqoop alone. 2. Also we don't want to apply all the possible performance tuning methods on those non-priority jobs, as it may disturb the RDBMS (source/target) too. 3. Get in touch with RDBMS owner to see their non-busy hours, identify the priority sqoop scripts (based on your business model), apply the performance tuning methods on the priroity scripts based on data volume (not only rows, 100s of column also matters). Repeat it if you have more than one Databases. 4. Regarding who is responsible... in most of the cases, If you have small cluster being used by very few teams, then developers and admin can work together but if you have a very large cluster being used by so many teams, then it is out of admin's scope.... again it depends
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