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2204 | 07-18-2018 09:40 AM |
09:40 AM
Ok. Seems to work based on the below code snippet. Following the code at Between lines 488 ~ 493 and 518. Basically can fix service monitor error. (There are some other error, but it's not related to this problem any more).
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07:55 AM
Now I am able to - create management service - download cdh parcels - distribute cdh parcels - activate cdh parcels - insepct host - create services (such as Kafka, ZooKeeper) However, the script fails when executing first run command. It complains Excuting first run command. This might take a while.
The first run command failed: Failed to perform First Run of services. Checking the endpoint localhost:7180/cmf/commands/commands, in Recent Commands there exists hightlight error (in red) about command Start, Restart, displaying First error: Service mgmt has 0 Service Monitors. Cloudera Management Service requires at least 1 Service Monitor. How do I create Servicie Monitor? From doc (, RESTful api (, pydoc (, and ( I do not discover any related info on how to create service monitors. Any code snippet or doc that tells how to create service monitor? Or how to pass first run command? Thanks Edit: This time my script doesn't conttains lines 194 ~ 231 (that create hive and report manager) as listed at Another problem raised if trying to create hive and report manager, the script complains No REPORTSMANAGER role found error.
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
08:31 AM
Checking api page - The command 'host_install' looks like for installing cloudera manager agent. Does this mean it's not necessary to execute host_install(...) function if cloudera-scm-agent is already presented (installed through package manager)?
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06:10 AM
The message logged in http://cm_host:7180/cmf/commands/commands is a bit obscure. It merely shows Failed to complete installation on host 1 of 1. Failed to complete installation on host Where ip i.e corresponds to cm_host in Click 'Download' button (at the same level as Status line) shows that the actually problem is Connection refused. What service are expected for this communication? And which port should I open so the api host_install call can talk to that service? Thanks Update: Executing curl command curl -u "admin:<default ui pass>" -X POST -d '{"userName": "root", "password": "<default pass>", "hostNames": ["localhost"]}' -i -H content-type:application/json http://localhost:7180/api/v7/cm/commands/hostInstall
returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Expires: Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: CLOUDERA_MANAGER_SESSIONID=uw1r3bw5imx5140fu8714bzgb;Path=/;HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 14:53:21 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(6.1.26.cloudera.4)
"id" : 16,
"name" : "GlobalHostInstall",
"startTime" : "2018-07-17T14:53:21.925Z",
"active" : true,
"children" : {
"items" : [ ]
But checking url localhost:7180/cmf/command/30/details (through web ui), it's still complaing 'connection refused'
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09:11 AM
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Python 2 (and pip) Docker version 1.13.1 (go 1.6.2 git commit 092cba3) CM_API version 19 I am trying to automate the entire installation procedure (with Docker on my local development environment), which I expect it should be the same as following the web ui wizard. The example I use is based on However, even with the sample python script i.e. (with corresponded information modified for my local environment). It fails with error Installing hosts. This might take a while. cm_host_install failed: Failed to complete installation. I am able to install cluster and services (kafka, and zookeeper) through web ui wizard without a problem. So I am not sure why this doesn't work through cm_api. And the error message is not clear indicating what goes wrong. Any place to debug and fix this problem?
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager