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Title | Views | Posted |
3631 | 11-14-2019 02:54 AM | |
11927 | 11-05-2019 07:51 PM |
09:41 AM
It looks like you are running Spark shell on a Windows machine, maybe your local laptop. Is there anywhere in the code you are mentioning the hostname, "dclvmsbigdmd01"? If not, where is your (hive.metastore.uris)? Does this IP resolve the name dclvmsbigdmd01? Can you review if the host/domain is reachable from your local?
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10:56 AM
Hey, Are there any parameters used in the spark-shell command? Usually, this delay happens for a lot of reasons from a connection time to resource availability. However, we cannot confirm anything with just the driver logs. In order to narrow this down, could you share the yarn log of the application for this application using the command, "yarn logs -applicationId application_1594337770867_0003"? We will have more clarity on what has been happening during the delay. Thanks
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06:11 AM
Hello, AFAIK, the Stanford CoreNLP wrapper for Apache Spark should not be a bottleneck in terms of parallel processing. Spark would take care of running it parallelly on multiple documents. Regardless of the number of documents, the number of API requests to the CoreNLP server would remain the same.
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04:02 AM
Hey, could you share the exact trace of output that you receive? If the issue is on the WebUI, could you also share the Screenshot of what you see?
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10:55 PM
Okay, let me know if changing HiveContext to SparkContext makes any difference. It could give a lead to resolution.
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02:20 AM
Hi @clvi, Try adding the --appOwner <username> to the yarn logs command. However, I think the application states are erased from the RM state store, probably due to an RM State Restore.
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06:36 AM
Hey @hicha , what is the version of Spark you are using? What do you receive as the output, when using the `Spark Session`, instead of `Hive Context`?
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05:29 AM
Hello RIshab, Can you please mention the error you are facing exactly?
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03:06 AM
Hey @gnish, Thanks for asking. I haven't tried it before, but hope you have come across the Conversion utility from Zeppelin notes to Jupyter notebooks [1]. However, I notice that the JIRA - ZEPPELIN-2616 [2] for documentation for this feature seems yet to be resolved. [1] [2]
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02:54 AM
Hey @avengers, Just thought, this could add some more value to this question here. Spark SQL uses a Hive Metastore to manage the metadata of persistent relational entities (e.g. databases, tables, columns, partitions) in a relational database (for fast access) [1]. Also, I don't think there would be a MetaStore crash if we use it along with HiveOnSpark. [1]
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