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10:18 PM
1 Kudo
@Gopinath Thanks much for your reply. Yes its active. We are able to download parcels/packages related to DS and CDP using the same. But it says inactive with 'docker login' Is there a separate process for getting it activated for getting docker images?
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04:47 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Edenwheeler @Gopinath @DianaTorres Tried using the paywall credential and it gives me the erorr below as 'Account is not active'. Can you tell me how to activate it. [root@fraighadopappu37 dladmin]# docker login Username: 979*******-*****-*******-******* Password:**************** Error response from daemon: Login: Account is not active. Please see the documentation of the registry for instructions how to activate it.
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06:24 AM
I am also getting the same issue. I deleted the user directory /user/dhagmah from hdfs. and then tried to create it from hue It got created but with 'nobody' as owner. I am not sure how it is taking these user ids. In CDH 5.16.1 I don't see any error in the logs. Logs below( kuaksha is my user id with which i tried the operation from HUE): [24/Mar/2021 13:26:32 ] resource DEBUG PUT //user/dhagmah Got response in 32ms: {"boolean":true} [24/Mar/2021 13:26:32 ] resource DEBUG PUT //user/dhagmah Got response in 11ms: [24/Mar/2021 13:26:32 ] access INFO kuaksha - "POST /useradmin/users/edit/dhagmah HTTP/1.1" returned in 262ms (mem: 1524mb) [24/Mar/2021 13:26:32 ] middleware DEBUG {"username": "kuaksha", "impersonator": "hue", "eventTime": 1616588792181, "operationText": "Edited User with username: dhagmah", "service": "useradmin", "url": "/useradmin/users/edit/dhagmah", "allowed": true, "operation": "EDIT_USER", "ipAddress": ""} [24/Mar/2021 13:26:41 ] access INFO kuaksha - "GET /useradmin/users HTTP/1.1" returned in 8801ms (mem: 1531mb) Directory created: -bash-4.2$ hdfs dfs -ls /user | grep dhagmah drwxr-xr-x - nobody ACE-S-FRA-SDL-UAT-ALL 0 2021-03-24 13:26 /user/dhagmah Where as in CDP Private Cloud 7.1.5 cluster, i get in the logs doas mentioned as some user with whch the folder is getting created there: You can notice doas in the below logs as vc_sdl_uat_lake iwth which the folder got created after the operation completed but the actual owner should be 'singmee'. ( Kuaksha is my user id with which i tried the operation n HUE) [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): Handling: 404 [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): returning <Response [404]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_response(): returning <Response [404]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource ERROR Error logging return call GET Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.5-1.cdh7.1.5.p0.7431829/lib/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/rest/", line 122, in _invoke resp_content = smart_unicode(resp.content, errors='replace') AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'content' [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource INFO SLOW: 1.90 - GET returned in 1ms [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): Handling: 200 [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): returning <Response [200]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_response(): returning <Response [200]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource DEBUG PUT <class 'requests_kerberos.kerberos_.HTTPKerberosAuth'> returned in 38ms 200 17 {"boolean":true} [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): Handling: 200 [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): returning <Response [200]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_response(): returning <Response [200]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource DEBUG PUT <class 'requests_kerberos.kerberos_.HTTPKerberosAuth'> returned in 11ms 200 0 [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): Handling: 500 [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_other(): returning <Response [500]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] kerberos_ DEBUG handle_response(): returning <Response [500]> [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource ERROR Error logging return call PUT Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.5-1.cdh7.1.5.p0.7431829/lib/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/rest/", line 122, in _invoke resp_content = smart_unicode(resp.content, errors='replace') AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'content' [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] resource DEBUG PUT returned in 0ms [24/Mar/2021 11:31:52 +0000] access INFO kuaksha - "POST /useradmin/users/edit/singmee HTTP/1.1" returned in 1974ms 200 31 (mem: 306mb) Please help me in understanding how its taking different user ids as owner of directories
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04:48 AM
Hi What i have seen is tht the share option only gives you read or read+modify permisson. There is nothing as such execute? If i give read+modify other users will be ale to run the oozie workflow. I have seen it does not happen. As the permission on the underlying hdfs folder for the workflow is only for my user and it does not get modified. drwxrwx--- - kuaksha hue 0 2020-10-28 10:42 /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/hue-oozie-1520605312.96 Please elaborate and help. Regards Akshay
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08:33 AM
Thanks for the update. We have not kept any such queue, as we have many oncoming new users who dont know that they have to specify the queue name while submitting a queue, or how to do that. So they finally end up getting the error 'cannot submit application in root.default queue' for their normal jobs. Thanks for giving your idea, but If we create such queue(as your root.user) to submit jobs if nothing is specified as queue, that will not respect the model we have. I can once again check within my team if this can be done. Moreover it would be good to know how much you have kept the max resource for your root.user queue. and what is the largest size of dataset( im MB or GB) you have seen getting compressed with this value. This will give us an idea to decide on our max resource if we opt your way to tackle it. Regards Akshay Kumar
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03:00 AM
HI, We have resource caging applied on our yarn queue, And hence when we are trying to compress a file it creates the oozie job in backend which fail with error "cannot submit job in root.default queue" Is there a way we can specify queue while running the compression. If not what workaround or fix i should use so that the oozie job created by the compression feature of hue goes to the correct yarn queue, that user has permission to submit job into. We are on CDH 5.16.1 Regards, Akshay
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