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01:21 PM
I ran into the same error. Even though the dependencies are listed in sbt, the jars have to be specifically shipped with --jars option in spark-submit. Why is this needed? Any workarounds?
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01:50 PM
Yes - that WIP links back to KUDU-1603 that I shared earlier. Guess, we will have to wait it out. Thanks for your response.
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04:11 PM
Hello, The KMS service within the hadoop frame work is responsible for handling key material. The KMS is not responsible for encrypting or decrypting data. The KTS is not connected to access control over data. All encrypted data handling occurs within the DFS client framework. 1.) You will need to review and understand the concepts laid out in our documentation and upstream related to securing the KMS. Cloudera ships a secure by default ACL configuration. New keys are not automatically alotted any access controls. No users are authorized to access new keys which have undefined Acess Controls. The KMS ACL engine is designed to control key release and it is not in any way connected to the underlying HDFS Posix controls. The ACL engine indicately controls access to Encrypted data by controlling access to key material. 2.) Your question here is moderately confusing. HDFS Encryption is Transparent to the DFS client. If a user is authorized to perform decrypt EEK operations they may view the encrypted data. Raw encrypted data is not normally visible to clients in the capacity I believe you are attempting to describe outside the context of the raw end point exposed to the supergroup users. 3.) You can access the raw data end point as a super user if you would like to verify that the data is encrypted. This information is documented publicly in both upstream and in our documentation. hdfs dfs -ls /.reserved/raw/ 4.) The Generate EEK operation is handled internally by the HDFS service user and is not normally exposed to operators. If you are a cloudera customer you should reach out to your account team for additional training and details.
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01:04 PM
I don't know too much about that unfortunately.
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12:13 PM
Also - please try with impala-shell port (e.g. 21051). It looks like 25003 for load balancer is used for external connections thru ODBC and 21051 for impala-shell connections.
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08:54 PM
It does though but if it has mentioned that in your CDH version you can apply this patch on top of it to make the job run fine then you need to apply the patch on it owns. It is resolved means there is a patch that has been created and on these CDH versions it has to be applied. Hope this info helps. Regards Nitish
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