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11:49 AM
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So IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT doesn't actually do anything if you set it in impala-shell. There's a technical distinction here - "set" in impala-shell is implemented in the shell itself, then send along with the queries. Whereas if you run "set" as a statement through, say, the JDBC driver, then "set" is run as a server-side command that modifies the session state. I tried to reproduce the issue on my local Impala environment, but couldn't. I was watching the /sessions page in the debug page and I could see the "last accessed" time get continually incremented while the query was in the queue. I think any timeout issue probably got indirectly fixed by in CDH6.1/Impala 3.1, since the query state would be polled directly by impala-shell while the query is in the queue, rather than having impala-shell blocked waiting for a response. Thanks for submitting the support request, that should help get to the bottom of this.
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