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17630 | 02-01-2019 07:03 AM |
01:06 AM
Hi HArsh and thank you for your suggestion Have you some sample or example? Could I use python for that?
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12:55 AM
Hi all, I fetch some images from the web. I created a hive table this way: CREATE TABLE images(id INT, url STRING, picture BINARY) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION 'mypath/images' I thought to create a file and put it into the hdfs location ('mypath/images') but I really don't know what to write into that file about the binary image column... the same, I dont' kknow how to INSERT directly into the hive table someone can help me? thanks
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
07:03 AM
Hi all, finally found a solution actually it was under my eyes but didn't get soon# I simply added to my sqoop import command the option: --hive-drop-import-delims bye!
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08:54 PM
Hi all, I have to import a mysql table into hive environment. The table has a "notes" column with free text, including the possibility for the user to insert CRLF. when I try to sqoop import that table, it seems the sqoop command interprets this CRLF as a end of row.... Then everything, from that point on, is not correctly imported: I mean that the CRLF is the end of the row and the first column of the next row in filled in with the "rest" of free text and so on I use this command:
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://myserver:3306/mydb --username myusername --password mypwd
--table mytable --hive-import --hive-table mytable --hive-database mydb --as-textfile
--warehouse-dir /user/mydb --fields-terminated-by '|' --direct -m 1 --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Sqoop