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3427 | 06-13-2019 12:19 AM |
04:26 AM
@tmater the following command , did not remove the partitions/dirs in my cloudera version. ALTER TABLE tblName DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION ( part_col='201801*' ) PURGE. I think special characters such as * cannot be used in this version.
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12:11 AM
@tmater unfortunately this kind of expression ( part_col='201801*' ) does not work.
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03:54 AM
@tmater my Cloudera version is 5.9 . I forgot to mentioned that.
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12:34 AM
@hores As you can see the doc there is nothing about computing stats for specific table-columns. Stats are for the whole table. How can you know which info for statistics impalad daemons might want to use during the join queries ?
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02:04 AM
How can I run stats only on some of the partitions and some/none of the columns? @hores in order to take stats for a certain partition as you mentioned above you have to run the following command COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS [db_name.]table_name [PARTITION (partition_spec)] partition_spec ::= partition_col=constant_value For further info you can read the documentation : impala_compute_stats.html
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01:37 AM
I would like to drop multiple partitions of an impala table at once. Can I use the following statement in order to delete all the partitions of January ? ALTER TABLE schema.Table DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (part_col='201801*') PURGE ; Can I use Star Wildcard just as unix?
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
12:00 PM
Let's assume that I have a table test_tbl which was created through impala-shell. I have a few questions : REFRESH the table only when I add new data through HIVE or HDFS commands ? That is when I am doing insert into ...through impala-shell no need for refreshing ? INVALIDATE METADATA of the table only when I change the structure of the table (add columns, drop partitions) through HIVE? DROPping partitions of a table through impala-shell (i.e alter table .. drop partition .. purge). Do I have to do REFRESH or INVALIDATE METADATA? DROPping partitions of a table through impala-shell . How can I compute the new stats of the partitioned table? Compute incremental stats OR Drop Incremental stats before dropping partition ? Thanks in advance.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
06:38 AM
@EricL My findings are the following: The table is managed. Also the HiveServer2 Enable Impersonation is setting to TRUE. I do not understand what this option is doing. Can you explain me ? HiveMetastoreServer log I can't see anything about permissions.
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01:52 AM
@Tomas79 here is the ACL of the hdfs path of the dir/table. # file: /user/hive/warehouse/sqoop.db/sr_tt # owner: hive # group: hive # flags: --t user::rwx group::rwx other::rwx Now if I go from Hive editor (HUE) and execute the query DROP TABLE sr_tt PURGE; the files were not deleted. Also Do you know where can I found the logs of the NameNode and hive server's log?
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06:03 AM
@BildervicI’m afraid it is not clear what I am saying. I have a table which is owned to impala user. When I am dropping the table through impala editor (Hue) with the above command the table & hdfs files were deleted. But when I have a table which is owned to hive user and I am trying to delete it through hive editor (HUE) with the above command the table is disappeared from the gui but the files were not deleted. And I am asking why is this happened ?
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