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3908 | 08-03-2018 03:48 PM | |
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03:26 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, Unfortunately there were some changes on Azure regarding how the domain names are set through dhcp packets and sometimes the instances do not get the right domain in time then CB falls back a creates the domain. If you are using our standard Azure images, then you'll get an update early next week which addresses this issue. If you have a custom image then I'm afraid you have to recreate it with the latest changes. Also the image update itself wont' fix the problem so you'll have to update to a newer version of CB (2.4.2 is not released yet, but will be soon).
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02:45 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, Yes you can specify the CIDR for your vnet on the manage networks section:
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04:55 PM
2 Kudos
Hi, It looks like it's a bug in Cloudbreak when you don't attach volumes to the instances. It can be configured when you create a template on the UI. We'll get this fixed.
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11:54 AM
6 Kudos
Download the HDC cli from the cloud controller Although it's possible to download the cli from the cloud controller UI we're going to use CURL for this, since we're about to automate the process.
All we need is the address of the cloud controller (we make sure with $(uname) that we download the appropriate binary for our OS, note: all of the instance references are examples, there is no real running aws instance): curl -kL$(uname)_x86_64.tgz | tar -xz Once it's downloaded we can verify it's version: ./hdc --version
hdc version 1.13.0-2017-02-09T08:56:06
Configure the cli to use our cloud controller The cli can connect to multiple cloud controllers by providing it's address and credentials. Each command has parameters to provide these informations (even can be configured with environment variables):
--server value server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS] --username value user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME] --password value password [$CB_PASSWORD] For convenience we could save them into a file so we wouldn't have to provide these parameters for each command: ./hdc configure --server --username --password 'adminPassword123!' but it's not really a good idea from automation perspective, because in the logs we want to see each command as it is. Create a cluster using a JSON skeleton Let's generate our base json skeleton: ./hdc create-cluster generate-cli-skeleton
"ClusterName": "",
"HDPVersion": "2.5",
"ClusterType": "EDW-ETL: Apache Hive 1.2.1, Apache Spark 1.6",
"Master": {
"InstanceType": "m4.4xlarge",
"VolumeType": "gp2",
"VolumeSize": 32,
"VolumeCount": 1,
"InstanceCount": 1,
"Recipes": []
"Worker": {
"InstanceType": "m3.xlarge",
"VolumeType": "ephemeral",
"VolumeSize": 40,
"VolumeCount": 2,
"InstanceCount": 3,
"Recipes": [],
"RecoveryMode": "AUTO"
"Compute": {
"InstanceType": "m3.xlarge",
"VolumeType": "ephemeral",
"VolumeSize": 40,
"VolumeCount": 1,
"InstanceCount": 0,
"Recipes": [],
"RecoveryMode": "AUTO",
"SpotPrice": "0"
"SSHKeyName": "",
"RemoteAccess": "",
"WebAccess": true,
"HiveJDBCAccess": true,
"ClusterComponentAccess": false,
"ClusterAndAmbariUser": "",
"ClusterAndAmbariPassword": "",
"InstanceRole": "CREATE",
"Network": {
"VpcId": "",
"SubnetId": ""
"Tags": {},
"HiveMetastore": {
"Name": "",
"Username": "",
"Password": "",
"URL": "",
"DatabaseType": ""
"Configurations": []
As you can see there are default values for certain properties, but it is also missing a few which we need to provide. To manipulate the json we're going to use a really handy tool called JQ. In this tutorial we're not going to change instance types, volumes etc.. as we could, but for now for demonstration purposes let's set the missing properties and write it to a file called cluster.json: ./hdc create-cluster generate-cli-skeleton | jq '.ClusterName = "tutorial-cluster" | .Worker.InstanceCount = 1 | .Compute.SpotPrice = "0.5" | .Compute.InstanceCount = 1 | .Compute.RecoveryMode = "MANUAL" | .SSHKeyName = "my-aws-key" | .RemoteAccess = "" | .ClusterComponentAccess = true | .ClusterAndAmbariUser = "admin" | .ClusterAndAmbariPassword = "admin"' > cluster.json
and the result should look something like this: cat cluster.json
"ClusterName": "tutorial-cluster",
"HDPVersion": "2.5",
"ClusterType": "Data Science: Apache Spark 1.6, Apache Zeppelin 0.6.0",
"Master": {
"InstanceType": "m4.4xlarge",
"VolumeType": "gp2",
"VolumeSize": 32,
"VolumeCount": 1,
"InstanceCount": 1,
"Recipes": []
"Worker": {
"InstanceType": "m3.xlarge",
"VolumeType": "ephemeral",
"VolumeSize": 40,
"VolumeCount": 2,
"InstanceCount": 1,
"Recipes": [],
"RecoveryMode": "AUTO"
"Compute": {
"InstanceType": "m3.xlarge",
"VolumeType": "ephemeral",
"VolumeSize": 40,
"VolumeCount": 1,
"InstanceCount": 1,
"Recipes": [],
"RecoveryMode": "MANUAL",
"SpotPrice": "0.5"
"SSHKeyName": "my-aws-key",
"RemoteAccess": "",
"WebAccess": true,
"HiveJDBCAccess": true,
"ClusterComponentAccess": true,
"ClusterAndAmbariUser": "admin",
"ClusterAndAmbariPassword": "admin",
"InstanceRole": "CREATE",
"Network": {
"VpcId": "",
"SubnetId": ""
"Tags": {},
"HiveMetastore": {
"Name": "",
"Username": "",
"Password": "",
"URL": "",
"DatabaseType": ""
"Configurations": []
We used for the RemoteAccess, but in production clusters it is highly discouraged. Let's create this cluster and wait until it finishes. We're going to use the --wait flag so we don't have to write some custom functions to poll the cluster state: ./hdc create-cluster --cli-input-json cluster.json --server --username --password 'adminPassword123!' --wait true Once the command returned we can check the instances: ./hdc describe-cluster instances --cluster-name tutorial-cluster --server --username --password 'adminPassword123!'
"InstanceId": "i-xxxx",
"Hostname": "",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"InstanceStatus": "REGISTERED",
"HostStatus": "HEALTHY",
"Type": "master - ambari server"
"InstanceId": "i-xxxx",
"Hostname": "",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"InstanceStatus": "REGISTERED",
"HostStatus": "HEALTHY",
"Type": "worker"
"InstanceId": "i-xxxx",
"Hostname": "",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"InstanceStatus": "REGISTERED",
"HostStatus": "HEALTHY",
"Type": "compute"
Terminate the cluster Now that we have a cluster we can execute jobs, queries etc.. which in this tutorial we're not going to cover and if we no longer need the cluster we can simply terminate it: ./hdc terminate-cluster --cluster-name tutorial-cluster --server --username --password 'adminPassword123!' --wait true
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02:10 PM
@Arthur GREVIN Please check the logs of your UI container with docker logs cbreak_uluwatu_1
And please also send me the cloudbreak logs in email to msereg at hortonworks com. I'm not sure about this issue but maybe we can setup a webex tomorrow, it would be simpler I think.
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12:45 PM
open stack cloud
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