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01:42 AM
Hello, I'm running CentOS 6.5 and trying to install the MapReduce Tools for use with Solr by executing the following: yum install solr-mapreduce How do I add the Cloudera packages repository to my OS, so I can install any packages with Yum? Thanks in advance!
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- Labels:
Apache Solr
01:15 AM
Hi All, I'm trying to install and run the Cloudera Search feature. However seems like the sample docs directory is missing: /usr/share/doc/solr-doc*/example/exampledocs /usr/share/doc/solr-doc as well Where could I find and possibly download the mentioned above? Also, could someone point me to a link/pdf with a full working installation guide, I'm using CDH5.0.0beta2. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Solr
Cloudera Search
02:00 PM
1 Kudo
Hey Darren, Thanks for your quick reply. I'm using a virtual environment for some test purposes and seems like I've set too low RAM to be used. Do you have an idea on what's the minimum recommended memory to be used on the Cloudera Manager host (if we set most of the major/master services in control on 1 host) and respectively on the other nodes members of the cluster (assuming we're installing all of the Cloudera Hadoop distribution services and apps in CDH 5.0)? I think it will be helpful to other users as well. Cheers and have a great day!
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02:06 AM
Hello, I receive the following warning message within the Cloudera Manager, all after a brandy new installation of Cloudera 5: mgmt: Non-Java Memory The recommended non-Java memory size is 1.5 GiB, 768.0 MiB less than that is configured. mgmt: Java Heap Size of Host Monitor in Bytes The recommended heap size is 256.0 MiB bytes, 206.0 MiB less than that is configured. mgmt: Non-Java Memory The recommended non-Java memory size is 1.5 GiB, 768.0 MiB less than that is configured. mgmt: Java Heap Size of Service Monitor in Bytes The recommended heap size is 256.0 MiB bytes, 206.0 MiB less than that is configured. hdfs: Java Heap Size of Namenode in Bytes Java Heap Size of Namenode in Bytes is recommended to be at least 1GB for every million HDFS blocks. Suggested minimum value: 1073741824 I'm running CentOS 6.5 and my question is how could I change the default Java Heap size on the nodes? Also, I'm sure there's enough RAM on all the nodes, so I need help regarding the Non-Java Memory messages as well. Cheers!
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager