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05:48 AM
I agree with you. The stacktrace shows that the sql misses the cast for the second record. Unfortunately I do not have any control on the effective query, since it is done via JDBC. This is a code replicating the issue: String sql = "INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES (?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL(16,2)))";
try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
ps.setString(1, id1);
ps.setBigDecimal(2, amount1);
ps.setString(1, id2);
ps.setBigDecimal(2, amount2);
} When I execute the same code by adding the batch just once, it works correctly. It seems like the driver "cleans up" the query, removing the cast: INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES
('123456789-xyz', CAST(350000 AS DECIMAL(16,2))) ,
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01:20 AM
Thank you @Gomathinayagam, inserting data with explicit casting worked: INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES ('test',CAST(7896163500 AS DECIMAL(16,2))) SELECT * FROM ST.X id req_amount 1 test 7896163500.00 I still have a problem when making a batch insert, using Cloudera JDBC Driver 2.6.4. java.sql.SQLException: [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: TStatus(statusCode:ERROR_STATUS, sqlState:HY000, errorMessage:AnalysisException: Possible loss of precision for target table 'ST.X'.
Expression 'cast(350000 as decimal(16,2))' (type: DECIMAL(21,2)) would need to be cast to DECIMAL(16,2) for column 'req_amount'
), Query: INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES ('123456789-xyz', CAST(350000 AS DECIMAL(16,2))) ,('321564987-zyx',7896163500).
at com.cloudera.impala.hivecommon.api.HS2Client.executeStatementInternal(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.hivecommon.api.HS2Client.executeStatement(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.hivecommon.dataengine.HiveJDBCNativeQueryExecutor.executeHelper(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.hivecommon.dataengine.HiveJDBCNativeQueryExecutor.executeHelperParameter(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.hivecommon.dataengine.HiveJDBCNativeQueryExecutor.execute(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.jdbc.common.SPreparedStatement.executePreparedAnyBatch(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
at com.cloudera.impala.jdbc.common.SPreparedStatement.executeBatch(Unknown Source) ~[impala-jdbc4-]
.... It seems that the second record does not respect the defined PreparedStatement. From the exception: INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES
('123456789-xyz', CAST(350000 AS DECIMAL(16,2))) ,
('321564987-zyx',7896163500) PreparedStatement: INSERT INTO ST.X VALUES (?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL(16,2))) Inserting one record at a time works nice.
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12:50 AM
Hi, I'm writing to a Kudu table using impala-jdbc I got this error when inserting a BigDecimal with value 7896163500 to DECIMAL(20,2). [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: TStatus(statusCode:ERROR_STATUS, sqlState:HY000, errorMessage:AnalysisException: Possible loss of precision for target table 'ST.RFQ_SPOT'.
Expression '7896163500' (type: BIGINT) would need to be cast to DECIMAL(20,2) for column 'req_amount' However, the value I'm inserting would fit also in a DECIMAL(12,2). I cannot understand why I get this error from the driver. In addition, if I try to manually make the cast, I get the result as expected: select cast (cast(7896163500 as BIGINT) as DECIMAL(12,2))
1 7896163500.00
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
Apache Kudu