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09:25 PM
1 Kudo
How does NiFi support data protection and encryption for PCI compliance? We are looking to ingest credit card transactions data which contains sensitive and PII information. Option 1: encrypt data at source before sending to NiFi - how does NiFi handle encrypted data for making attribute-based routing decisions? Option 2: use NiFi to ingest raw transaction data from a secure source -> use NiFi EncryptContent processor to encrypt the content of the flow file. How does it get stored in the content and flow file repositories? Is the data encrypted when stored on disk?
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02:08 AM
1 Kudo
Does HDP 2.3.x support integration with IBM Security Access Manager (ISAM) for user authentication?
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02:10 AM
Both clusters will be using either local KDC or AD Kerberos
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06:04 AM
1 Kudo
I am working on Kerberos with AD (no local KDC) integration for multiple Hadoop clusters (Prod and DR). The goal is to have all users and service principals reside in the corporate AD. Would I need to create two separate groups of users and service ids for each cluster? The idea is to have a single userid to be able to login into Prod or DR cluster depending which one is active. When setting up the Prod cluster with Kerberos via Ambari it will generate all necessary principals and keytabs. What happens when the second cluster (DR) needs to be configured for Kerberos? Does Ambari know that all principals already exist? or will it try to regenerate?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hadoop
05:43 AM
1 Kudo
Does Falcon support replication and mirroring for HDFS and Hive between two Kerberized clusters (Prod and DR)?
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- Labels:
Apache Falcon
02:13 PM
1 Kudo
I am working with a Kerberized HDP 2.3 cluster that uses AD with Kerberos for strong authentication via Knox. Does the end user need to have a local Kerberos client installed on their Windows workstations to request the ticket? Or is it possible to enable SSO such that Kerberos ticket is issues as part of Windows domain login?
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- Labels:
Apache Knox