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Title | Views | Posted |
1382 | 07-06-2017 08:16 PM | |
5695 | 07-05-2017 04:57 PM | |
3417 | 07-05-2017 04:52 PM | |
3947 | 12-30-2016 09:29 PM | |
1661 | 12-30-2016 09:14 PM |
10:04 PM
If you come across this error while doing HBase Service check in a non-kerberized environemnt: "ERROR: Table ambarismoketest does not exist.'" Please follow these steps to resolve it: 1. Stop HBase from Ambari.
2. Go to hbase zookeeper CLI and look for $ hbase zkcli
$ls /hbase-unsecure/table/ambarismoketest
3. If the table exists then delete the table: rmr /hbase-unsecure/table/ambarismoketest
4. Start HBase from Ambari 5. Now, recreate ambarismoketest table: $ hbase shell
hbase> create 'ambarismoketest','family'
hbase> quit 6. It should fix the issue.
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06:36 PM
@Samant Thakur Yes, it is very annoying when User ID is in upper or mixed case, which is very normal in AD, which is not case-sensitive. But, linux is case-sensitive and so is Ranger. You can remove case-sensitivity in Ranger. But, it is ideal to do it during the installation. You can refer to this article: PS: As usual, If you think my response helped you to find a solution then please accept my response as the best answer.
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10:21 PM
1 Kudo
@Samant Thakur Please check Ranger Audit first to find out whether it was blocked by Ranger or not. If it is being blocked then it must be the Hive policy, which is blocking you. Please let me know.
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07:58 PM
@eric valoschin the solution in the above link is not storing the output on local FS. It is streaming the output from HDFS to HDFS: ============================ A command line scriptlet to do this could be as follows: hadoop fs -text *_fileName.txt | hadoop fs -put - targetFilename.txt
This will cat all files that match the glob to standard output, then
you'll pipe that stream to the put command and output the stream to an
HDFS file named targetFilename.txt =============================
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07:53 PM
@eric valoschin how about this:
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04:21 PM
@Lou Richard Can you share the Ambari log after starting Atlas Metadata server? It must have some information about the failure.
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04:36 PM
Where are steps to configure R-server for Kerberos? Does it not need any kerberos related settings? No kinit etc..? I noticed that the connect string has kerberos related variables though. Is it really good enough? Please confirm.
rhive.connect(host=";principal=hive/;AuthMech=1;;KrbServiceName=hive;KrbRealm=HDP.COM", defaultFS="hdfs://", hiveServer2=TRUE,updateJar=FALSE))
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04:05 PM
Is there any easy way to replace /tmp folder across all services duing HDP installation. HDP uses /tmp folder heavily. Is there any way to reallocate tmp data for all the services to a new folder?
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Apache Ambari