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Title | Views | Posted |
1421 | 12-14-2015 05:07 PM | |
1453 | 10-19-2015 01:39 PM |
05:07 PM
3 Kudos
@Giuseppe Maldarizzi HDF/NiFi can be used for this particular case. You can use the GetHDFS processor to listen for incoming files and index them with the PutSolr processor. This would also give you more control if you need it as you can then add additional metadata to index on the files such as source, etc. If you prefer to do something a bit more custom you can use HDFS iNotify hooks and listen for incoming files to process. Look at this codebase done a while ago that implements a java daemon as well as a storm topology for processing document from HDFS and indexing into Solr. It should help you get started and give good direction. Java Daemon: Storm Topology:
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02:40 PM
1 Kudo
Hi Davide, When indexing to solr cloud the zk list should contain all zookeeper instances + the zookeeper ensemble root directory if it was defined. I see in you call you have zk, Can you please respond if you have the root directory for ZK ensemble defined as solr? If not remove /solr with only the host being set and try indexing like so -zk Thanks
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01:39 PM
If you want to keep the XML tags then you should be indexing the document without using XML update handlers and just index everything as raw/plain text. Modify schema xml file and cleanup the fields. Create some literal fields for metadata information about the file and just index the entire XML as a multi valued field. Honestly, this will make the search itself very poor as tags and words will be tokenized so to improve search and optimization add stop-words around tags to improve it.
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03:02 AM
1 Kudo
Need a bit more information. As David said, the xasecure-audit entails older versions of Ranger. was this installed through Ambari? if this was an upgrade did you have a previous version of ranger
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