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Title | Views | Posted |
1954 | 04-21-2016 12:22 PM | |
4814 | 03-12-2016 02:19 PM | |
1706 | 10-29-2015 07:50 PM | |
2081 | 10-02-2015 04:21 PM | |
5763 | 09-29-2015 03:08 PM |
12:00 AM
Hi @abajwa, Does the Ambari Server Host also need to present it's own SSL certificate to the AD server? In case of multiple domain controllers, do we need to have separate SSL certificates from each of the domain controllers? Thanks, Megh
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10:31 AM
Thanks it really fixes the problem RHEL 6.10 (Open JDK 1.8)
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12:45 AM
The tutorial from which the script was linked has been deprecated on github, but there is a similar set of instructions here:
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12:10 AM
1 Kudo
These seems to be bogus replay exception when running solr service. Changes or solr JVM option with should fix the problem. # # Extra Java runtime options. Empty by default.
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11:10 AM
The docs say "MariaDB 10" but RHEL7 comes with "MariaDB 5".
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09:39 AM
@Matt Foley - Does HDFS have home references such as ~ or ${HOME} ?
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12:34 AM
Thanks for the help. I was able to run the view after setting the Hive session param to ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/log/ambari-server/hive-next-view/hive.jks;trustStorePassword=********
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01:37 PM
I concur with Sean. As long as any user, who have access to the cluster and the google personal key, they can explore GHFS bucket. I would say, google has to enhance the connector, by allowing intervention of kerberos prior to validation of the personal key.
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03:06 PM
2 Kudos
Launch Sandbox on Azure
VM Size: Minimum of A4 or A5
A Twitter App
You'll use the API credentials
The "Application Details" don't matter
Prepare the Sandbox
Connect to SSH & Ambari
Connect to the Sandbox using SSH
or web console: http://<<ip>>:4200/
Become root:
sudo su -
Reset the Ambari password:
Login to Ambari:
User: admin
Before moving to the next steps, ensure all services on the left are started (green) or in maintenance mode (black).
Install NiFi
In Ambari, Click "Actions" (bottom left) -> Add Service
Choose NiFi and continue through the dialogs.
You shouldn't need to change anything
NiFi should now be accessible at http:<<ip>>:9090/nifi/
Tune Sandbox
The Sandbox is tuned to run on minimal hardware. We need to update the Hive, Tez & YARN configuration for our use case.
This could take up to 15 minutes to complete:
bash <(curl -sSL
Solr & Banana
Solr enables the ability to search across large corpuses of information through specialized indexing techniques.
Banana is a dashboard visualization tool for Solr.
Download the Banana Dashboard
curl -L -o /opt/hostname-hdpsearch/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/banana/app/dashboards/default.json
Update Solr to support Twitter's timestamp format
curl -L -o /opt/hostname-hdpsearch/solr/server/solr/configsets/data_driven_schema_configs/conf/solrconfig.xml
Start Solr
JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64 /opt/hostname-hdpsearch/solr/bin/solr start -c -z localhost:2181
Create Solr collection for tweets
/opt/hostname-hdpsearch/solr/bin/solr create -c tweets -d data_driven_schema_configs -s 1 -rf 1
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02:19 PM
17 Kudos
As with many topics, "it depends". For slave/worker/data hosts which only have distributed services you can likely disable swap. With distributed services it's preferred to let the process/host be killed rather than swap. The killing of that process or host shouldn't affect cluster availability. Said another way: you want to "fail fast" not to "slowly degrade". Just 1 bad process/host can greatly degrade performance of the whole cluster. For example, in a 350 host cluster removal of 2 bad nodes improved throughput by ~2x: For masters, swap is also often disabled though it's not a set rule from Hortonworks and I assume there will be some discussion/disagreement. Masters can be treated somewhat like you'd treat masters in other, non-Hadoop, environments. The fear with disabling swap on masters is that an OOM (out of memory) event could affect cluster availability. But that will still happen even with swap configured, it just will take slightly longer. Good administrator/operator practices would be to monitor RAM availability, then fix any issues before running out of memory. Thus maintaining availability without affecting performance. No swap is needed then. Scenarios where you might want swap: playing/testing functionality, not performance, on hosts with very little RAM so will likely need to swap. if you have the need to use more memory, or expect to need more, than the amount of RAM which has been purchased. And can accept severe degradation in failure. In this case you would need a lot of swap configured. Your better off buying the right amount of memory. Extra thoughts: if you want to disable swap, but your organization require their to be a swap partition, set swappiness=0 if you choose to have swap, set swappiness=1 to avoid swapping until all physical memory has been used. most Cloud/Virtualization providers disable swap by default. Don't change that. some advise to avoid swap on SSDs due to reducing their lifespan
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