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1353 | 08-12-2016 04:05 AM | |
2640 | 08-07-2016 03:58 AM | |
1164 | 07-27-2016 06:24 PM | |
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1229 | 07-18-2016 12:54 PM |
05:45 PM
1 Kudo
Like I said in the answer above, if restarting services fails then the quickest and easiest fix is to terminate the EC2 instance and start a new one. Have you done that yet? I can't login to your instance - I do not know the IP address.
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08:54 PM
2 Kudos
If you startup one of our practice exams and the cluster services are not running, here are some things to try first: 1. Run the script. You can watch the progress of this script in Ambari - it uses the Ambari REST API to start all HDP services. 2. Login to Ambari and try to start services that way 3. Restart the ambari-agent process on each node in the cluster (password for root is hadoop), then run again: ssh root@namenode "ambari-agent restart"
ssh root@resourcemanager "ambari-agent restart" # This only applies the HDPCA exam
ssh root@hiveserver "ambari-agent restart" # This only applies to the HDPCA exam If none of the steps above fix the issue, then it is likely an issue with the Docker containers not starting properly. Since you do not have root access on your practice exam, the quickest solution is to simply terminate your EC2 instance and startup another one. -Rich
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06:26 PM
2 Kudos
Email me your public dns and I can take a look.
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09:21 PM
Hi Vidya, It is really not a big enough instance. The exam uses c3.4xlarge, which is overkill. You should get decent performance somewhere in the middle - maybe try a c3.2xlarge. -Rich
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03:46 PM
FYI: WebHDFS is not an exam objective of the HDPCD exam.
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03:36 PM
Thanks for pointing that out @Daniel Hendrix - we will get the PDF fixed right away. -Rich
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03:32 PM
Just FYI: WebHDFS is not a part of the HDPCD exam.
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03:31 PM
The two best resources to prepare for the exam are: 1. Going through the list of exam objectives and making sure you know how to perform each task: 2. Working through the practice exam -Rich
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03:28 PM
Hi Daniel, There are no WebHDFS questions on the exam. The exam objectives are listed here: Have you tried the practice exam? It contains tasks similar to the real exam, and more importantly you get to see what the exam environment is like: Thanks, Rich Raposa Certification Manager
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10:07 PM
2 Kudos
OK - I think I answered my own question: sorry for the confusion. Ambari 2.2.x appears to be smarter than its predecessors. The reason my initial REST request "failed" was because HDFS was already running, so Ambari simply ignored the request. REST API requests used to always show up in the "Background Operations" window, but now they do not if the service doesn't need starting. That decision seems fine with me - just caught me off guard! Thanks for providing feedback. -Rich
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