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Title | Views | Posted |
11734 | 03-21-2017 07:34 PM | |
3079 | 11-16-2016 04:18 AM | |
1704 | 10-18-2016 03:57 PM | |
4447 | 09-12-2016 03:36 PM | |
6671 | 08-25-2016 09:01 PM |
07:23 PM
1 Kudo
Another approach: Create a text file containing user/group details in the following format: - one line for each user - each line consists of multiple fields, separated by a comma - the first field is the username and every field after that is a group name the user belongs to - example line: user1,group1, group2,group3 Load the user/group information in the text file, say at /home/user/ranger-users.txt, with the following command line: java -cp "/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/dist/unixusersync-*:/etc/ranger/usersync/conf" com.xasecure.unixusersync.process.FileSourceUserGroupBuilder /home/user/ranger-users.txt
Updated for Ranger 0.50
java -Dlogdir=/var/log/ranger/usersync -cp "/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/dist/*:/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/lib/*:/usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/conf" org.apache.ranger.unixusersync.process.FileSourceUserGroupBuilder /tmp/UserGroupSyncFile.txt
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06:57 PM
1 Kudo
Set the following properties in usersync : usergroupSync.source.impl.class = org.apache.ranger.unixusersync.process.FileSourceUserGroupBuilder usergroupSync.filesource.file =C:\\tmp\userSource1.json usergroupSync.filesource.text.delimiter = ,
Example file:
Multiple Users { "user1001": [ "group0", "group18", "group6", "group7", "group26", "group24", "group19", "group3", "group5" ], "user2001": [ "group0", "group18", "group6" ] }
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06:52 PM
2 Kudos
- Labels:
Apache Ranger
07:03 PM
4 Kudos
cbd logs - which also takes a container name argument. This way one can aggregate logs across every container (default) or choose which ones to follow. cbd doctor doctor container logs
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07:01 PM
2 Kudos
What's the best way to debug cloudbreak? Are there certain logs you have found more helpful than others?
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
05:00 PM
2 Kudos
The github branch that actually works with HDP 2.3 is 1.x-HBase1.x Use the following instructions to build it How to Build Binary Package ###Generate Binary Package > git clone kylin > cd kylin > ./script/ In order to generate binary package, maven and npm are pre-requisites.
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04:59 PM
2 Kudos
Here is the issue with Kylin ( For now it only supports HDP 2.2.x
In HDP 2.3, Hbase has upgraded to 1.0 and APIS have changed. See and Kyle did not keep up to date with the changes and have not migrated to HBase v1.0 APIs.
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01:54 PM
24 Kudos
Which user is ambari running under? ps aux | grep ambari-server
rpm -qa | grep ambari Try the following steps: On the master node ambari-server stop
ambari-server reset
ambari-agent stop
yum erase ambari-server
rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-server
rm -rf /var/run/ambari-server
rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-server
rm -rf /etc/ambari-server
rm -rf /var/log/ambari-server
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari*
Reinstall Ambari server yum install ambari-server
ambari-server start On each worker node: ambari-agent stop
yum erase ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/run/ambari-agent
rm -rf /usr/lib/amrbari-agent
rm -rf /etc/ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/log/ambari-agent
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari*
Then try re-running the install of Ambari Agent yum install ambari-agent
vi /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini
#Change hostname to Ambari Server
ambari-agent start ——————————————— - check logs /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log before starting the cluster install, see if the hosts have actually registered themselves (if doing it by updating ambari-agent.ini) ————————— Troubleshooting You can start ambari in debug mode to get more detailed aoutput via: ambari-server start --verbose --debug # or for short ambari-server start -v -g Significant files/directories: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log (for ambari server) /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log (for ambari agens) /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/ (server action output) SQL scripts to initialize psql DB /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/ Uninstall Postgres and move the redundant Ambari database file out of the way yum remove postgres* userdel -fr postgress mv /var/lib/pgsql /var/lib/old.pgsql
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01:31 PM
16 Kudos
Sometimes when installing Ambari run repos are downloaded or there are maybe issues with python.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
12:08 AM
4 Kudos
Rest apis used for delete are:
DELETE http://<ip>:6080/service/xusers/users/userName/<userName>; DELETE http://<ip>:6080/service/xusers/groups/groupName/<groupName>; DELETE http://<ip>:6080/service/xusers/groups/<id>; DELETE http://<ip>:6080/service/xusers/users/<id>;
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