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Title | Views | Posted |
1345 | 07-13-2017 09:13 AM | |
1576 | 07-11-2017 10:23 AM | |
802 | 07-10-2017 10:43 AM | |
3687 | 03-23-2017 10:32 AM | |
3613 | 03-23-2017 10:04 AM |
10:17 PM
From the stack trace the hbase:meta region itself not available means you cannot operate anything. From HBase master/regionserver logs we need to find what's the reason for hbase:meta region is not getting assigned. Would you mind sharing the logs?
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09:13 AM
You can enable it by setting "hbase.replication.bulkload.enabled" to true in hbase-site.xml. For more information you can check release notes of
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10:23 AM
2 Kudos
Are you creating table from phoenix sqlline or hive? When you create table from Phoenix client or sqlline then you don't need to provide all the information PhoenixStoragehandler and table properties.
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10:43 AM
1 Kudo
When you know the row key you can use Get. HBase should automatically convert the Scan with same start and end key as get. With the get the block reads in a HFile are positional reads(better for random reads) than seek + read(better for scanning).
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06:02 PM
1 Kudo
You need to create java.sql.Array by calling conn.createArrayOf with long array. For ex: Long[] longArr =new Long[2];
longArr[0] = 25l;
longArr[1] = 36l;
array = conn.createArrayOf("BIGINT", longArr);
ps.setArray(3, array);
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10:54 AM
1 Kudo
Ya got it. Just combining that from raw files is not possible. Instead you need to create two tables for CDR data and CRM data and you can write MR job or java client based on data size with following steps. 1) Scan CDR table and get Bnumber 2) Call get on CRM table to get the corresponding details. 3) Prepared puts from the get call on CRM and add them to the ROW get from CDR and write the CDR. or else you can use Apache Phoenix so that you can utilise UPSERT SELECT features which simplify things.
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10:32 AM
2 Kudos
You can create a table with some column family of interest and run the ImportTsv on the both the files separately by specifying the Anumber field as HBASE_ROW_KEY then columns in the same Anumber will be combined into single row. Is this something you are looking? Ex: HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase classpath` ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop jar ${HBASE_HOME}/hbase-VERSION.jar importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,cf:age,cf:day_c,cf:month_c,cf:year_c,cf:zip_code,cf:offerType,cf:offer,cf:gender -Dimporttsv.bulk.output=hdfs://storefileoutput datatsv hdfs://inputfile
HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase classpath` ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop jar ${HBASE_HOME}/hbase-VERSION.jar importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,cf:ContractCode,cf:Aoperator,cf:Bnumber, cf:Boperator, cf:Direction, cf:Type, cf:Month, cf:Category, cf:numberOfCalls, cf:duration, cf:longitude, cf:latitude -Dimporttsv.bulk.output=hdfs://storefileoutput datatsv hdfs://inputfile
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10:04 AM
2 Kudos
You can increase phoenix.query.threadPoolSize to 256 or 512 based on number of machines/cores. and also increase phoenix.query.queueSize to 5000 and add hbase-site.xml to class path or export HBASE_CONF_DIR. You can refer for more turning.
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08:50 AM
@Houssem Alayet is Anumber common and going to be row key for the table?
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07:09 AM
@Ashok Kumar BM What's your hfile block size is it defult 64 kb? If you are writing all 1 millions cells of a row at a time then better you can increase the block size. Are you using any data block encoding techniques which can improve the performance and also are you trying ROW or ROW_COL bloom filters?
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