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01:05 AM
I was able to resolve my question. Here's the steps I followed in case others have a question about this. After downloading the modules locally as I did above with npm -i <modulename> 1. Copy the module directories to a directory where the zeppelin user will have access to. For example: /groupCode/helium/ 2. Edit the module json file Artifact key to point to the new location. For example, edit /groupCode/helium/ultimate-heatmap-chart/ultimate-heatmap-chart.json Artifact would be /groupCode/helium/ultimate-heatmap-chart 3. create a symlink from the modules json into $ZEPPELIN_HOME/helium. (I had to create the helium directory) For example ln -s /groupCode/helium/ultimate-heatmap-chart/ultimate-heatmap-chart.json $ZEPPELIN_HOME/helium/ultimate-heatmap-chart.json 4. restart Zeppelin in Ambari 5. Go to Zeppelin, choose Helium. Select your module choose Enable
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07:08 PM
Hello, Our data scientists are needing a few Helium modules available to Zeppelin. We are using Version 1. volume leaflet 2. ultimate-heatmap-chart 3. ultimate-scatter-chart 4. ultimate-range-chart I've pulled down the four requested modules plus their dependencies using npm and they downloaded to /root/node_modules, see attachments with listings. (node-modules-part1of2.txtnode-modules-part2of2.txt) What do I do with the downloaded modules now? The Zeppelin documentation only makes mention of installing the helium json file into zeppelin/helium directory but there's got to be more to it than that because these four modules many many dependencies as seen in the file listing. Thank you
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Apache Zeppelin